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How long for a broken leg to mend?

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Morning all.


My 4 month old whippet/ grey collided with one of the other dogs yesterday and snapped her tibia and fibia bones in her front leg. She is off to be operated on this morning. How long do you think it will take to mend? it is a clean snap through both bones at the same point.



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had the same a few yrs back, pup was in plaster for 9 weeks, then she was to be lead walked for a further 6 weeks, then she was ready but to be honest she never ran the same again, so she was rehomed as a pet. Good luck to youthumbs.gif

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I had a dog few years back the dog was fine, bout the same age too, i got calcium powder for hourses and put a tea spoon full in his grub evry meal once the pins was taken out he was fine, but only time will tell best of luck mate


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With a youngster you can hope for good recovery if managed properly dependent on the damage. Personally I’d avoid calcium supplements and give a good balanced diet. I've added a link that, although for humans, gives a little background as the process is pretty standard.



Edited by sandymere
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Personally I’d avoid calcium supplements and give a good balanced diet.


:thumbs::yes::yes::yes: Dogs dont need calcium supplements if they are getting good grub, in fact they strictly should not be given calcium supplements at all so I am told except in exceptional circumstances.


Is the leg getting pinned and plated?

Edited by WILF
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Yes Wilf - the vet just called - the bigger bone has been pinned and the smaller one plated. the plate can then be taken out or left in if needed.




Just an opinion but better out than in once all healed/stable.





















Ps Don't feel lost just do like I do, always be nice, never be sarcastic and remember that saying Lordy will bring out the worst in people lol.

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it's not the time for the bones to set you need to worry about , it's the time you give the dog ??? rehab a must , gentle as you go.


my pup broke both bones in his leg at 14 weeks , he's now 13 months and flying at the moment , so my advice , be patient very patient , it'll come ok in the end-----den

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