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good buck tonight

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well after the lovelly weather we have been having rain wind more rain i decided to go for a walk with the rifle to see what was . So wellys on and off i went got to my permission. On came the rain then off it went then on it went so i sat under a wee copse of trees till it went off. No such luck 30 mins later soaking wet thought bugger this im off home, so started to head to the car when i caught sight of a deer 400 odd yards away. so i thought great stalk on, decided that to get closer to the deer i would have to go down into the ditch and use the ditch as cover to half the gap, so down i went on the way down i slid on my ass, great eh any way checked my rifle to make sure it was clear of mud like any good rifle man saved the gun. good job moved another 20 yards and then moved up the ditch bank, so now i was about 200 yards from the deer tried to look though my binos but they were soaking and misted up so gave them a clean with my t shirt, ah i can now see a nice 4pointer buck and a nice doe not pregnant looked like one of last years kids, any way to get closer i had to crawl on my hands and knees to get within safe shooting distance, so i am now 160ish yards off the buck and put the bipod down and took up a sitting position. The buck by this stage is facing me and not broad side the way i like them, so sitting weighting and he then goes broadside perfect. deep breath half out squeeze the trigger and bang off the 80gn soft nose .243 goes heading over the field over the ditch and finds its target bang on streight through the lung up he jumps kicks out to the rear and bolts forty or so yards then stands there for a mili sec wobbles and down he goes yeha good buck soaking wet, ass covered in mud, but hey i have my buck thats me now took 5 bucks this year chuffed to bits weighed him when i got home and cleaned out he was 38lb with his head on so not a bad buck at all any way hope you enjoy the read cheers aye paul

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Nice going there bud - lucky the ditch wasn't full of water or you'd have had soggy feet to go with the rest of you... I can imagine the conversation when you got home " clean this lot luv - i'm goig to larder this buck and then crash infront of the telly" :laugh: :vava:

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