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f****g GUTTED!!

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i awoke this morning to find her pen been cut open and her coallar that was hanging up gone, so was my dog that has been my life fo 12 months now!. i mean who has the f*****g right to take away something that you have put so much hard work into only to find out that some other c**t has taken it away who has the f****g right to do that, i no she was only well 14 months to day but she did me proud she took 7 fox 3 singled up with she killed with out to much hassle. took 100+ rabbits and a few hares and some ones gone and took that all way from me. now i will tell you the next f****r that comes round my garden is having it and i mean proper no one has the right to take that from someone :censored: but i guess there isnt a lot i can do really. so i am going to give it a few days and it looks like i am starting agen another 12 months of hard traning. all the best and good hunting whippet boy

dont know what to say lad, :no::no:

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Glad you got your dog back, that is a heart ripping moment when you realise that your dog is gone.



Glad to hear you go an alarm system fitted up now. Like ditch says they are vaulable things but you can't always be having them in the house. Only so much room in a house.


Anopther good point on this thread is that don't over do the PR for your dog. No point advertising that you have a little gem there. No matter how pleased and proud you are, because out there are folks who have no respect for anything and will take rather than put the effort in.


If you can find out who it is NAME AND SHAME. Dog thieves are the WORST form of scum out there (OK there are worse but these low-lives are up there with them).


I hope you are soon back out hunting.



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