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hi lads, its been a while since i posted about any mooches lately for one reason or another, but mainly due to not being able to upload photo's from my phone to my lappy or it now appears from my work computer to photobucket, meaning that if this works then i will at least have learned to make attachments to t'internet.(its only taken a couple of years... :wallbash: :wallbash: ) before anybody mentions taking a camera instead, well, when you consider that i've been known to forget pellets when i've gone out, then i'm sure you can appreciate how absent minded i can be when it comes to taking out extra kit! i also didnt want to be accused of spinning tales without photo evidence, but realise that that may be being a touch paranoid on my part, so here we go...

some of you may know that i recently bought an Air Arms Pro Sport, which i've been getting to know over the last couple of weeks and i can report that its a cracking gun straight out of the box, more of which elsewhere. all you guys need to know is that it does rabbits out to 40m, well anybody that can actually shoot'll find it'll go further than that but so far i'm not gonna chance my arm to any mental distances cos theyre beyond me quite frankly!


i got a new permission recently, about 40 acres of stables and livery, thanks to a young lad who i've taken under my wing(i know, its like the blind leading the partially sighted, but there you go...). david's a mad keen 16 yr old who's mum gets tattooed at my shop and has been working at said livery in his spare time, and shooting with the owners son of an evening, but not doing so well, so i went up there to see what he was doing wrong. for starters he had a gamo shadow that couldnt group an inch at 25m so after a bit of wheeling and dealing at my RFD, we managed to get him a BSA scorpion T10 and got down to my range field for some serious target practice. i've had him shadowing me around the stables so he could see how i go about things, both static hunting and stalking/wandering aimlessly and given him a few pointers so he's starting to get results, although due to having the patience of a typical modern teenager he'll shoot anything with a pulse as long as its in range, although after some words he's getting to grips with being an ethical hunter and leaving anything less than half grown alone.

dont get me wrong, if you wanna shoot kitts then thats up to you,and fair play to you, i just dont see the point of shooting a rabbit thats the same size as a pet gerbil personally. they'll be there later for you if you can wait after all.

anyway, the stables have proven to be a lovely little shoot, and i've had some of my best shooting there, using the HW100kt. i've had rabbits from 20m out to a lovely sitting shot of 53 lased metres downhill, which is pretty much the best shot i've ever been confident to take, but i was properly on form that evening, coming home with a reasonable bag of 9 rabbits in about an hour and a half. i also pulled off a 50m headshot on a pigeon sat on a fencepost whilst sat in the vitara the other night, which was pretty damn good by my standards, again with the '100 however.


back up the valley its been business as usual, going for a mooch most nights with charley the faithfull albeit mental jack russell. theres quite a few rabbits up here, enough to provide a bit of fun whenever we head up here and its here that i've been field testing the pro sport. no great distances here, my best being about 40m downhill from a sitting position but i'm really enjoying this awesome springer. had a cracker the other evening- managed to get myself well and truely caught up in some gorse bushes with a good sized rabbit about 30m away, so i managed to untangle myself, keep the dog at heel and get to a position where i could take a kneeler before giving it the good news. i felt like i properly earned that one, i can tell you...


a couple of photo's from recently, i've just tried sorting some attachments but the files are too big or something, these are from before my lappy crashed. if i can sort the others, i'll get em up later.








hope you enjoyed reading, and didnt get too bored :blink:


all the best, wurz



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Cracking post wurz, im sure you will make a great coach. . . . . .





One day :laugh:


Only joking bud, good on you :thumbs:

Nice to see your enjoying your new rifle mate.


.atb. .ste.

Edited by rossi_j
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great read wurz i went out one day with my lad got the rifles out the slips an they both had the trigger locks on em from where i had been on hols an forgot. did not have the keys had to go back an get em. one of them rabbits looks like its been shot with a large bottle of tomato sauce. i only take long shots if i take my little dog nothing worse than hittin one and it scuttling off injured (they dont get far with yhe dog but i dont shoot as many with him due to him goin ape shit every time i take a shot)40 yards is my lot too and i like to be lying down an all. pro sport sounds like a great bit of kit. cheers mate. :thumbs:

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Aww yeah! That's a Wurz-post! Thanks mate, it's a great read! Good to see you taking care of a young lad. Not easy as they truly have the patience of a nano second. I'm going to take you up on that offer to come shoot with you one fine day and do some mental-distance long range shooting with your right-handed Prosport. I'll swear it could match your Weihrauch HW100 for long range precision accuracy.


There's just nothing better than a rifle at your shoulder that talks to you through every shot.


Great read and pics mate.



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hi ya wurz pal

what a great write up and pictures to buddy

great shooting to pal the hw100kt is looking very nice to buddy


i'll give ya a call in a minute missed you call last night i was out cold lol


great shooting again though wurz pal



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cheers lads!


@ ste, youre not wrong mate, i might make a stage coach. preferably the next one out...


@ frank, mate i know exactly what you mean about the dog clearing a field- if they only realised that sometimes you DO miss and staying put would guarantee some heart and bits then i'm sure they'd stay still. trouble is they dont, the :censored: ers... :wallbash::wallbash: but theyre great to have along, as well as being equal parts frustrating so what you gonna do lol


@ simon, youre not wrong about the pro sport matching the '100, and i dont think it'll be too long before i'm getting those kind of results with it. of the air rifles i've owned over the last few years this is the one that feels absolutely right in my hands, its just lovely and a real pleasure to shoot mate. i like the '100 for those places where i need to be seen to get results and its accuracy(and sterility to shoot) does the job just fine. but if i'm going out for the crack of it then it'll be the pro sport everytime.


unless its honking it down and blowing a hooley, in which case the elderly '80s the bramble beater for the job :whistling:


@ craig and bill, dunno what happened with the bleeder, i lased it at 43m and it just exploded :icon_eek: one for the gore freaks out there...


@ shay, cheers bud, bell you in a bit mate


thanks for reading it lads, glad you enjoyed it :thumbs:


all the very best, wurz

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Nicely done, Wurz :thumbs:


My two boys love going for a mooch with me when we get the chance. My eldest's twelve and very good at following my instructions so isn't really a problem but his younger brother (9) is still at that age when he can't resist hitting everything with a stick :blink: It's still lovely that he enjoys it so much and I know (HOPE!!!) that he'll grow out of it soon enough.



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You are not wrong about your HW80 being the rough weather bramble beater John. Had my FAC HW80K .22 out yesterday with Andy over and the winds absolutely blasting the fields. Still, it flattened two rabbits at over 40 and 30 metre ranges from two near oblique angles against the winds. Andy whacked a couple of rabbits on his mooch about with his HW90 Gas Ram.


When you need to shoot very accurately against some bloody hard weather, the good old Weihrauch spring and gas ram rifle still rules the roost in my book.



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you're not wrong there at all Simon mate!


what ft/lb is your FAC putting out then pal?



@ andy, my dad cured me of that stick malarkey by hitting me with one whenever i misbehaved mate.


never did me any harm :black eye: :laugh:



cheers, wurz

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another nice read :notworthy:


the prosport is what i hope to get next when funds allow :icon_redface: thats if she will let me lol


want it in .177 though as i am used to this now with my AA 510 i also have a 77k but its .22 and needs looking at Andy has offered to have a go :notworthy: and i need to find some time to get up Yorkshire way to put faces to names :thumbs: and then drop it off ;)


keep up the good write ups :thumbs:


Dave :D

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