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Ferreter or Electronically Aided Rabbit Digger?

Guest Ditch_Shitter

How Do You Catch Rabbits  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. My Method Is:

    • Putting in a naked ferret and using Field Craft
    • I put in a Collared ferret and rely on Box and Spade.
  2. 2. How Long Do You Wait, Once That Tail Vanishes?

    • I wait till all action's seemingly finished. Then wait for the ferrets to return.
    • I wait till the Box tells me the ferret has stopped moving. Then start digging.

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[quote name='porkypowell' date='Feb 19 2007,

A days ferreting needs to be fast paced not held up on a dig when you could be ferreting.



So what happens when the ferret is stuck behind a couple of rabbits?

Do you sit on the carrying box and await it's return,or get digging,get it back

and move on?Which of the above slows you down more?


If you dig ONLY when you need to you will actually speed things up.

Nobody is advocating that we should be digging at the first oppertunity,if I don't have

to dig when i'm out i'm well chuffed,but I know that if I have to I can.


Perhaps we should all go back to feeding them bread and milk as they did

many years ago :no: We wouldn't want that,would we?


Good thread ditch,it's got us all typing :hmm:




I agree "ONLY when needed" I dig when its necesary but hate digging if is my fault from being noisy around holes or having a dog lunge at a rabbit sitting inside a hole. About 15min from the last bolter and the spade comes out and just pray it says 12". Its also safe to asume that if a dog runs a bunny into a hole he is not coming out so a dig is on the cards. Appoligies if I didn`t make my self clear in my first post.


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good questions! i always use a locator but there are times i CANT, not dont.

like the weekend there i was ferreting along a electric fence and these render the box useless

as the electric pulse sounds through the box.i had a lie up and had to rely on

running a small jill through the warren. i got a rough location via the two holes she kept surfacing at

and dancing and rolling. the bigger jill was moving her off all the timethen sounded different locations between the two till i heard a faint noise between said ferrets and slowly dug through to them and rabbit

i know this wouldnt work for everyone but i know my ferrets and can ROUGHLY guage wats happening with their reactions.but in all if i can use a locator i do... good survey

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I have a locator and always collar my ferrets but I never dig until I absolutely have to, which isn't very often.


I'm not one of these people that think the old ways are the best just because they're old. With that frame of mind we may as well bring back the old days, where thousands died of TB, women didn't vote etc. etc.


Technology should be embraced if it can improve upon existing methods rather than replacing it.

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Is it true that before the days of the locator string was used in stead? i cnt remember if my grandad tol me this but i know ive heard it from somwhere.


p.s im a locator n collar man :D (i say man im only 17 B) )




cheers devvo :drink:


opps just read a post i think my question has already been answered :icon_redface:




cheers devvo :drink:


:icon_eek: sorry about the double post how has that happened? :cry:



cheers devvvo :drink:

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A line was attached to a hob usually tied to a collar , the line had knots at roughly 12 inch intervals, so the idea was to send the liner down & then when the line went slack you could roughly guage how far in the bury he was , simple really , i think :laugh:


Then get your shovel out :tongue2:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ok Ferreterno1, you have said it once, twice, no need to repeat yourself.



just trying to get an answer, if he takes the piss out of locators i want to no what he does instead ;)



:laugh: Steady on a bit, sunshine! Getting a bit cocky, aren't we?! I haven't bothered to look in on this Thread for over 24 hours, simply because I'd set a POLL and couldn't see a lot of point in reading a long list of people trying to justify their one ways or another! Sorry if I'd missed the 'Royal Command' to answer so strongly posed a challenge! :rolleyes:


Now then; You're obvioully all puffed up and demanding ye answer? Fine. Now sit down and answer ye own point first: Go on ye way and fetch us ALL the part where I " Take the piss out of Locators ". There's a good chap.Bring it here and lay it before us. Quote it. Copy / Paste it. Write it on a f*cking post card and send it. Only You said it. Now back ye mouth up - HERE.


Thankyou ;)



See; I Never " Take the piss " out of the other mans way of doing Anything in 'Hunting'. I'll debate. Discuss. Counterpoint. I'll even disagree. But " Take the piss "?! I'm not a c***. Are You " Taking the piss " ?


I'll be sure to watch for your answer. With full citation, of course :yes:


" Ferreter Number One " :rofl:

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mr shitter

what i meant was in the title of the post FERRETER OR ELECTRONICALLY RABBIT DIGGER you make it sound as if using a ferret finder is not sport, there a great help and save alot of time waiting about for a ferret to surface.

I asked what you do at the moment, i take it you dont use a ferret finder then??

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Locator, locator, locator all the way..........you want to lose your ferret on a kill in on a big old warren? You want to leave rabbits dead? You want to spend hours waiting?


Come on locators ARE the business......tell me the downsides of using them apart from inexperienced and eager ferreters....



i think the danger is that you could become too reliant on technoligy ,you dont need ,if you learn the way things were done succesfully before locators ,you will never need one, :) its only my opinion :victory:

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