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Hello + My first kill

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Hello peeps,


Just getting into hunting with my airgun. I have a HW100 .177.


I currently have permission to hunt at my local Clay Pigeon club, rabbits being a problem.

I bought a Deben LEDRay Tactical GL4 for lamping. Had my first few hours out at night last Friday. Couldn't hit a thing!

As soon as the beam hit the rabbit they bolted. Also I kept standing on broken clays which crunched and alerted the rabbits.


The following Saturday I decided to walk around the club, noting where the concentrations of broken clays were so I could be a bit more covert. I also bought a red filter for the lamp as I had been told it could help.

I went back to the club at 22:30 to have a second attempt, armed with my filtered lamp and remembering where not to go because of the broken clays.

Within 8 minutes I had my lamp on a pair of bunnies about 35 yards out. They just sat up and looked directly at the lamp! I took aim at the closest one, between the ear and eye and squeezed the trigger. As the pellet hit him he just fell over. Didn't kick or anything. It was just like I had switched him off.

Unfortunately though due to my adrenalin rush from the first kill I totally missed the second.


All in all I got 4 in the 90 minutes I was there with two misses. I did however stalk what I thought was a rabbit for 4 minutes but when I got close enough to identify it, I was surprised to see it was a small badger. lol


I took a photo of my first ever airgun kill.


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Hi Mazing.



Welcome to THL :welcomeani:


What a brilliant opening post and write up :clapper:

Excellent shot on the bunny, :thumbs:

I can see why the rabbit switched off, as you put it, that shot placement is spot on :toast:

That will be the first of many Im sure, nice one.


Have a slut point from me.......read the pinned sections to clarify slut points :thumbs:


Look forward to your next post.







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Nice shooting pal :thumbs:


I hate broken clays, its not the noise for me, its pulling the splinters out your knees after them kneeling/prone shots :laugh: :laugh:


Welcome to the forum, look forward to reading your future write ups.


Best of luck with the permision hunting :thumbs:

.atb. .ste.

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