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shows don't interest me but this dog a bag of nerves and could never be used during season on different nights with different dogs and men around.Those nervous things are always a liability,i know it

I would of said "ere's your nicker, feck off and sort your dog out" but maybe a bit more civilized.   Edited to say; and your attire yc.

Tracky bottoms need i say more.

As a few have suggested you can’t judge a dog you can’t handle so a polite explanation and offer of money back would be my choice, there will always be those that take offence but that’s par for the course.

The second area stiff joints, I’ll feel over a dog and quickly note anything odd and maybe flex a wrist but not sure on stiffness as it will be down to how muck flexion the dogs holds rather than suppleness. A sore wrist will hold flexion and the dog will show pain signs on the maneuver but as has been stated it could be old or new injuries. Extension is a better way as damage often tells a lot more on extension than it does on flexion. The last idea of necks out etc is always a little contentious as if a dog truly had a cervical spine misalignment it would be paralyzed from the neck down, in the main what are really being found are minor muscle damage causing spasm to an isolated area. Basic anatomy doesn’t allow enough space for the cord if a misalignment were to happen without it giving catastrophic effect ie paralysis or similar. A muscle spasm could lead to a short term scoliosis, (curvature of a section of the vertebra) but not a displacement.

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