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what a load off bullshite




ive heard it loads off times,,,,,kc x greyhound,,,,,but there,s non ped whippets x greyhound,,,,,,,totally diffrent



if whip x grey dont fair if they hit wire,,,,,,bullshit,,,,,any dog that hits wire at 40mph,,,,,,are in trouble



and going by my signature,,,,i race,,,,,,,,,,my 4 legged pets only run straight line,,,,,yeah ur right they actually walk backwards to lead,,,,,,more bullshite,,,,,they can turn very sharp indead,,,they have four legs,,,,a dog that cant turn,,,, ffs


althou they dont have the stamia off a sulike,,,,,,,9 times out off 10,,,if there decent will turn game,,,,back in same feild,,,,



that article was pure slander,,,,,,,,,,,everydog has its weakness,,,,,and there pro,s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to bring lamping into it,,,,,whip x greys are very suited to daytime,,,,,,,,,,,lamping with million power,,,,was after them not before



articles shouldnt be slagging off breeds,,,,,but inbressing them and there history new or old

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Yh it certainly does   If your referring to penny taylor I think her articles are informed crap and just another thing to fill a page. I can't even read the drivel she writes anymore

Do yourselves a favour & keep your money in your pocket. The CMW has been a pile of shit for years now due to the idiots they have writing articles for them. It shows the mentality of whoever pays


Another so called expert who has no experience of the decently bred types, he seemed to forget one important point when x,ing two different types,,, Hybrid Vigour :gunsmilie:

just out of interest i just found this .. concept of hybrid vigor assumes that a crossbred animal (and this term is most often used in discussing dogs) will be healthier than a purebred. In reality, this is often false.


In order to be a hybrid, an animal must be the product of two different species: donkey and a horse, offspring is a mule; lion (m) and a tiger (f), offspring is a liger; tiger (m) and lion (f), offspring is a tigon; wolf and domestic dog, offspring is called a wolf hybrid. Remember high school Biology, animal classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species? Each animal in the crosses mentioned share the same Family (Equus, Felis, Canis) but are different species. The offspring are hybrids. Domestic dogs are the same species familiaris. When you cross breed domestic dogs (Canis familiaris ), you are within the same species; therefore, not creating a hybrid.

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Another so called expert who has no experience of the decently bred types, he seemed to forget one important point when x,ing two different types,,, Hybrid Vigour :gunsmilie:

just out of interest i just found this .. concept of hybrid vigor assumes that a crossbred animal (and this term is most often used in discussing dogs) will be healthier than a purebred. In reality, this is often false.


In order to be a hybrid, an animal must be the product of two different species: donkey and a horse, offspring is a mule; lion (m) and a tiger (f), offspring is a liger; tiger (m) and lion (f), offspring is a tigon; wolf and domestic dog, offspring is called a wolf hybrid. Remember high school Biology, animal classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species? Each animal in the crosses mentioned share the same Family (Equus, Felis, Canis) but are different species. The offspring are hybrids. Domestic dogs are the same species familiaris. When you cross breed domestic dogs (Canis familiaris ), you are within the same species; therefore, not creating a hybrid.

Outcrossing :hmm:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: terry turkington --- bet no ones ever heard of him more like tommy tit ....


bet you a fair few people know terry ... and if you have watched MAN ABOUT DOG ... terry is credited as organising the lurchers and terriers for the lurcher show scenes

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Another so called expert who has no experience of the decently bred types, he seemed to forget one important point when x,ing two different types,,, Hybrid Vigour :gunsmilie:

just out of interest i just found this .. concept of hybrid vigor assumes that a crossbred animal (and this term is most often used in discussing dogs) will be healthier than a purebred. In reality, this is often false.


In order to be a hybrid, an animal must be the product of two different species: donkey and a horse, offspring is a mule; lion (m) and a tiger (f), offspring is a liger; tiger (m) and lion (f), offspring is a tigon; wolf and domestic dog, offspring is called a wolf hybrid. Remember high school Biology, animal classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species? Each animal in the crosses mentioned share the same Family (Equus, Felis, Canis) but are different species. The offspring are hybrids. Domestic dogs are the same species familiaris. When you cross breed domestic dogs (Canis familiaris ), you are within the same species; therefore, not creating a hybrid.

Outcrossing :hmm:

Scrub that last comment lol now I,ve thought about it, at the end of the day I think it has been well proven by crossing two sight hounds together the resulting progeny are more constitutionaly sound and with more intelligence than the parents, I,ve not read up on the subject for a few years but you could be right Rio whether it is Technicaly hybrid vigour :thumbs:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: terry turkington --- bet no ones ever heard of him more like tommy tit ....


bet you a fair few people know terry ... and if you have watched MAN ABOUT DOG ... terry is credited as organising the lurchers and terriers for the lurcher show scenes

not watched the film a lot of writers write under aliases my line of thinking with tt whats your views on the article ... is tt a lurcher or whippit man ?

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: terry turkington --- bet no ones ever heard of him more like tommy tit ....


bet you a fair few people know terry ... and if you have watched MAN ABOUT DOG ... terry is credited as organising the lurchers and terriers for the lurcher show scenes

not watched the film a lot of writers write under aliases my line of thinking with tt whats your views on the article ... is tt a lurcher or whippit man ?


terry used to own and work lurchers and im told he used to have some good ones ... everybody is entitled to there own opinion on stuff , if you dont like someones opinion its simple ignore it ... i personally have been out hunting with terry and his bop , he has his own way of doing things and his own believes , he might think his way is right but who doesnt ?

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I read thisarticle and thought what a load of shit.

Don't do hares, don't do foxes, don't do this that and the other - prone to injuries, shit feet - christ what aload of absolute shit.

I'm not saying people might not have their opinions about what crosses they prefer but to say all this seems unfair and incorrect.

Perhaps its the 1/8th of deerhound in my whip/grey that has made her the best bitch I've ever owend?? not the 7/8th bit that's whippet/grey??

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Another so called expert who has no experience of the decently bred types, he seemed to forget one important point when x,ing two different types,,, Hybrid Vigour :gunsmilie:

just out of interest i just found this .. concept of hybrid vigor assumes that a crossbred animal (and this term is most often used in discussing dogs) will be healthier than a purebred. In reality, this is often false.


In order to be a hybrid, an animal must be the product of two different species: donkey and a horse, offspring is a mule; lion (m) and a tiger (f), offspring is a liger; tiger (m) and lion (f), offspring is a tigon; wolf and domestic dog, offspring is called a wolf hybrid. Remember high school Biology, animal classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species? Each animal in the crosses mentioned share the same Family (Equus, Felis, Canis) but are different species. The offspring are hybrids. Domestic dogs are the same species familiaris. When you cross breed domestic dogs (Canis familiaris ), you are within the same species; therefore, not creating a hybrid.

Outcrossing :hmm:

Scrub that last comment lol now I,ve thought about it, at the end of the day I think it has been well proven by crossing two sight hounds together the resulting progeny are more constitutionaly sound and with more intelligence than the parents, I,ve not read up on the subject for a few years but you could be right Rio whether it is Technicaly hybrid vigour :thumbs:

my understanding has allways been you only get hybrid vigour on a genuine first /cross of dogs of 2 different breeds . ie .. first cross collie .grey for example ..but i can understand the paragraph above in regards to the fact all canines are the same genus ,, so how can it be hybrid!! interestig !! ;)

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