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Lurcher Breeding ? What is needed.

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bull whippet grey x saluki grey. Gamest dog i have owned and will never be without one in my yard. I will be putting my collie grey xbeddie whippet to her in a year or so to have a pup for myself and imo i will have a good all rounder. Working lurcher to working lurcher is the way to go for me. atb shushy :thumbs:

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That' simple - a dog, a bitch and a copy of D.B. Plummer's 'Practical Lurcher Breeding' - what could possibly go wrong!!!! :thumbs:


Whey ye may be right, but I doubt you wor born when Plummer was aroond !!LOL !!




Ha Ha Ha - Ah wish, it's been a long time since 1965!!!!!!!!!


Had a good craic with a lad from Hawick this morn, only a young'in but a good dog lad !



enlighten us older dog men?????? i'm intrigued by the youngsters points of view

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i have a wippit bullxgrey and put a 3quater grey quater collie over her the pup i kept is now 11 months and all ready i can see wat collie puts into a dog he very clever and inteligent brains to burn and great stanima good strong feet and agood thick coat so in my eyes the collie has a bright future in my yard as long as he can do damage out in the field.

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collie has been my preference the last few year ,then i tried the wheaten cross which i found effective for the quarry i hunt and now this week i took the plunge and bought in a bull lurcher bitch

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for me, as i do mostly rabbit work, bushing, mooching and lamping it would have to be a collie grey x whippet, with mabye a bit of beddy thrown in but essentially 1/4 collie, 3/4 sighthound or mabye 1/4 collie 3/4 sighthound crossed with a 1/4 beddy 3/4 greyhound, if that makes sense?! hahaha

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I'll start the ball rolling; MUST have Greyhound as the base.... then I'd like to see Saluki, Deerhound, Bedlinglton, Whippet, and even though I'm not a fan, Bull ! But is there any other breed you'd like to put to a Greyhound to produce a Lurcher ? I missed out Collie, simply because I've only had one Collie cross, and it was shite !! Doesn't mean they all are, but that's just my view !!



I like 3/4 grey hound to a 1/4 anything as a good grey is a machine and the ultimate hunting dog but with several shortfalls. That ¼ blood depending what you’re using the dog for makes up some of those shortfalls, but you have to start off with the best stock on both ends and it doesn’t hurt to know a little about greyhound bloodlines.

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I'll start the ball rolling; MUST have Greyhound as the base.... then I'd like to see Saluki, Deerhound, Bedlinglton, Whippet, and even though I'm not a fan, Bull ! But is there any other breed you'd like to put to a Greyhound to produce a Lurcher ? I missed out Collie, simply because I've only had one Collie cross, and it was shite !! Doesn't mean they all are, but that's just my view !!



bottle , nose , gears ,loyal , good feet , all the ingredients for a good en

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