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Stocks and shares?

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Has anyone here had a goe at investing in shares? How did you get on?


I am pretty clueless to be honest, but I can learn quickly if there is money in it :D . I met a woman last week who put 1k into it last year and shes 120k up since then. She is just an ordinary woman with no background in it etc just done lots of reasearch and went for it. I'm sure I sound pretty naive, but thats because I am!



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It's basically just gambling. For you to make a profit on your shares then someone else has made a loss.



Absolutely,and whats the old saying.....never gamble more than you can afford to lose !......if your thinking of shares for anything more than a bit of fun,get someone who knows exactly what they are doing to advise you,or it can be a costly little exercise.

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if you want to minimize your risk you need to set up an algorithm that does the work for you. It's annoying, but a lot of these super-rich traders just type in what price they want to buy/sell at and leave the computer to it. It isn't really that easy though, it's a massive gamble but these companies have enough equity to be able to take massive losses, and build it back very quickly. I have been interested myself, I had this website as a client at work ages ago and signed up. It uses live stock prices, and virtual money for you to have a dabble. I had a go but I really don't understand most of it, so you are better off just reading and doing your own research.

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you have got to be prepared to lose what you invest.i bought some shares in kelda water a few years back and made some good money but i also bought shares in marconi and could of made a killing but got greedy and lost the lot.its just a big gamble.

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I know nothing about shares so be patient,if you buy say a hundred shares in something for say a tenner each but they go down say a year on, surely you can just wait a while for them to go back up even if it takes ten years,or do you have a time that you have to sell when buying?

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Cheers for the advice. I am going to get a couple of books on it and have a think. Looks like you would need a minimum 1k to put in to start? or more :cry: ?


Also, I too have been curious about the question jonesy asked above so if you know that it would be appretiated!



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If you are going to do it then £1k would be the absolute bare minimum. I used a Financial Advisor and it is actually far easier to make good money playing online poker. With enough knowledge and a big enough stake its possible to almost guarantee a good profit margin with poker. Like most things in life patience is the key.

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if youve got money to invest you can put money into things with alot less risk...maybe not rewarding as turning 1k into 120k in a year but you will make money and all legal :) just watching the bamma but ill show you after.

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Been going on for years and i wont give the websites away but buy and sell tickets to music events...ive yet too loose money...use common sense i.e how many dates the artist is doing. stick them on websites such as getmein.com and seatwave.com...you can even find tickets your thinking of buying and seeing what others are selling for as a few of us can get tickets before they go on sale to everyone ;). Worse ive done is have to sell tickets at face value..best i done was 350 on each ticket of the who when they done the teenage cancer trust gig...however here is the catch....i only spend around 2grand on the tickets as thats all ive managed to save type thing....because people sending fake tickets you dont get your money till after the gig...the website recieved the money then you send your tickets to the person...they just hold your money until they know the tickets was valid. Thats the only reason im still only bothering with around 2grand out lay otherwise id of put the profit straight back in...HOWEVER....for the big boys i guess if you are buying and selling alot the website knows its not worth you ripping anyone off for a few hundred quid so pay to straight away as they know they can trust you...my uncle quit his plumbing business and has moved to melbourne and his only income is this...has around 70k always out on tickets and makes a minimum 4grand a month. Probally sounds crazy or hard to believe but ticket touts have always been about things have just moved onto the internet :).

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Been going on for years and i wont give the websites away but buy and sell tickets to music events...ive yet too loose money...use common sense i.e how many dates the artist is doing. stick them on websites such as getmein.com and seatwave.com...you can even find tickets your thinking of buying and seeing what others are selling for as a few of us can get tickets before they go on sale to everyone ;). Worse ive done is have to sell tickets at face value..best i done was 350 on each ticket of the who when they done the teenage cancer trust gig...however here is the catch....i only spend around 2grand on the tickets as thats all ive managed to save type thing....because people sending fake tickets you dont get your money till after the gig...the website recieved the money then you send your tickets to the person...they just hold your money until they know the tickets was valid. Thats the only reason im still only bothering with around 2grand out lay otherwise id of put the profit straight back in...HOWEVER....for the big boys i guess if you are buying and selling alot the website knows its not worth you ripping anyone off for a few hundred quid so pay to straight away as they know they can trust you...my uncle quit his plumbing business and has moved to melbourne and his only income is this...has around 70k always out on tickets and makes a minimum 4grand a month. Probally sounds crazy or hard to believe but ticket touts have always been about things have just moved onto the internet :).

any glastonbury tickets knocking about :thumbs:

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Saddly not mate i went for the v festival tickets just because dont alright with them last year. Only had enough about too get 4 tickets though :( all 4 already sold and 60quid on top of each ticket...could of put them higher and held out and got more but just wanted them sold so i could borrow the money of my parents and they know itll be coming back :p...only bad thing with not spending grands like my uncle does is the waiting but if you get paid soon as they are sold like he does then its so easy its a joke. Anyone wants a hand type of thing send me a pm.

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Probally sounds crazy or hard to believe but ticket touts have always been about things have just moved onto the internet :).



Ticket touts make far more at the actual events than anywhere else.....go up Leicester Square on any given day and you will find at least 20 touts standing outside the half price ticket booth,another 20 odd standing around the theatres.....same as at any big sporting event or concert.

Just look how many folk go to big sporting events/concerts without tickets willing to pay anything.....thats where the real money is made on tickets.

Edited by gnasher16
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Only once did i not sell 2 tickets online and was my own fault but i sent my brother down there and he got shot of them making 20 quid on top of each and ended up coming home pissed i was just wanting my money back on them. Its mental how much some people are willing to pay...uncle brought 5grands worth of hanna montanna tickets and had one family alone come and buy 8 tickets paying 300 on top of each ticket. Its easy money like i said only bad thing is unless your turning over enough money that they know your not going to rip someone off for a few hundred quids worth of tickets then youve got to wait until after the event to get paid.

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