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what you doing while the season starts

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hi mate im making nets and playing with the ferrets to keep them busy lol and going to some shows atb alan :thumbs:


make me some,used to make them but just havent got the patients anymore,im training the pup so not that bored.

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Just more or less get ready for the next season,get the kennels well cleaned out get the medicine and stuff the dogs are going need for injury's in.

Loads off baths get the coats into shape after hard season and for the shows ahead.

Good long walks in the morning or the evenings and plenty off swimming.

There is always something to do with the dogs :thumbs:

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Just more or less get ready for the next season,get the kennels well cleaned out get the medicine and stuff the dogs are going need for injury's in.

Loads off baths get the coats into shape after hard season and for the shows ahead.

Good long walks in the morning or the evenings and plenty off swimming.

There is always something to do with the dogs :thumbs:my dogs never miss a day out,they are well musled and,most of all we love walking them,i also take the camera so have loads and loads of pics,the pup should be ready for his first season,i also fly a harris shes 4 now and want to try and get im flushing for her aswell

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fishing,camping,shows,bikerideing,socialising with friends that i don,t as much in the winter and playing darts,1 of my good pals allways says in april we only see you in the spring gaz :laugh:

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