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Bang,,,, and not..............

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Right I am now at the stage of introducing my Springer to the gun. For the past while I have made every effort to make noise when around her, bang her bowl on the ground, done some walking near to a shooting ground(clays) and no ill effect on her.


So other day I had her in the field and brought the gun with me, now she has seen the gun many a times, always try bring it on walks with me to get her familiar with me carry it.


Anyhow I gave her the command to sit and stay, walked some fifty yards form her and discharged a shot in the opposite direction from her, again no sign of ill effect on her, the dummy was launched and the command was given to fetch which she duly did. I fired fours shot in total and she reacted in the same manner, which I am pleased about.


My question is? should I continue with this practice or is there an alterative to my way of thinking. Remember this is my first Springer and any advice would be most welcome, how do you go about brining the gun into the training, am I premature in my approach, she is eight months old now, it’s been a highly rewarding exercise for myself and would hate to ruin a dog because of my actions at this stage.

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Right I am now at the stage of introducing my Springer to the gun. For the past while I have made every effort to make noise when around her, bang her bowl on the ground, done some walking near to a shooting ground(clays) and no ill effect on her.


So other day I had her in the field and brought the gun with me, now she has seen the gun many a times, always try bring it on walks with me to get her familiar with me carry it.


Anyhow I gave her the command to sit and stay, walked some fifty yards form her and discharged a shot in the opposite direction from her, again no sign of ill effect on her, the dummy was launched and the command was given to fetch which she duly did. I fired fours shot in total and she reacted in the same manner, which I am pleased about.


My question is? should I continue with this practice or is there an alterative to my way of thinking. Remember this is my first Springer and any advice would be most welcome, how do you go about brining the gun into the training, am I premature in my approach, she is eight months old now, it’s been a highly rewarding exercise for myself and would hate to ruin a dog because of my actions at this stage.


Allright mate, I am just about getting to this stage aswell :thumbs: I cant really give any advice because I know about as much as you on the subject. Allthough from what I have heard, read and watched you seem to be on the right track. I would say try and get a copy dave lissets Dvd set. Dvd number 3 covers all the aspects of getting your dog dropping to shot etc... The dvds are a pretty good mate explains everything properly and clearly well worth a watch.


Regards Ben :thumbs:

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Many thanks for the reply Ben, was out with her again today and she seemed steady on the shot, maybe in two weeks time I will allow her to sit closer to me while I let of a shot and then maybe right next to me in time. Will keep you informed.



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