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I've worked whippets for the past 8 years and they are as tough as old boots. I ferret,lamp and flush the large rabbits to the gun and they always give 100%. They are well suited to the land i work th

Great little dogs with big hearts perfect for rabbits lamping/ferreting/mooching. There no more prone to injury than any other type.  

whippets in my opinion are the best thing you can have for rabbits. i have owned whippets and whippet crosses for about 18 years now and wouldnt change them for the world.

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  On 01/08/2011 at 19:16, barrybrown26 said:

yea, sorry didnt realise it had been talked about so much.


Thats okay, it seems to be the in thing to advertise as Luguna whippets, when they really are whippets with some Laguna in their back breeding.

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Slowly, slowly catch the Monkey, don't worry, there are more Dogs ruined by pushing them too much, at 10 Months try a bit of Lamping or Ferreting.

I had a Whippet X Beddy which was 18 inch, only inch bigger than yours, and she was a cracker.

What is the cross in your Dog?

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well we thought she had collie and greyhound but cause she small it woulded have a Greyhound in her so we thought she was only whippet collie. so dont actully know cause the people who we got her off of said she was a whippet x collie grey. i went out lamping last night she dont look dwn the lamp yet but tht will come and she chased about 4 rabbits she cought one but as she it got she sliped over with rabbit and let it go thts when she was going grab it

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Years ago I was lucky to see one of the best hare catching dogs in my area, this bitch used to catch them and let them then go, then one day, the penny dropped, your pup is chasing, and did catch, so I would not worry about it, pity you didn't know her breeding though.

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Although i agree with what has been said about the fire and toughness of these little dogs, the plain fact of the matter is that they DO take their knocks worse than a heavier set / thicker skinned dog if you run them on really rough land. My lad is 18 months and has had three bad accidents that have resulted in needing vet attention, one of which almost ended his career and life. Having said that, some of the land i run him on is very hazerdous. A lot of it has to do with his very high prey drive and single minded focus when running quarry, he will literally smash into / through anything in his way.

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