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was out a few nights ago on a bit of permission doing a bit for the farmer with a lad,1st run he gave his dog it ran say 100yd missed and jogged back it fell at the start of the run but got straight up and carried on.when it got back to our feet it pulled its back up in the air and stated wobbling about then fell over and went all stiff it was like this 2 mins but all the time it was looking when you said its name and following movements,then it was right again and had a few more runs.any ideas what this could be?the dog is lurcher x bull grey

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This is not something that can be diagnosed over the internet, you need to see a vet. It could be a number of things, epilepsy, a neurological disorder/disease but it needs specialist advice, not via Jeff who works for Lidl and keeps beddie whippets :thumbs:

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sounds 2 me it had some type of fit or seazer should have took it straight home and got 2 the vets ,defo should,nt have been running on the same night

apparently the dog has done it before.the dog is a worker and as he said if its going to go it going to go

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it makes me sick that 2 many people thinking dogs are manchines ,i agree with simo ,you come on here asking whats amatter with the dog you will take some lads word of the internet as gospel are thats whats a matter with it ,some people should,nt be aloud 2 keep dogs

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it makes me sick that 2 many people thinking dogs are manchines ,i agree with simo ,you come on here asking whats amatter with the dog you will take some lads word of the internet as gospel are thats whats a matter with it ,some people should,nt be aloud 2 keep dogs


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Get the dog to tha vet

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Guest jt750


apparently the dog has done it before.the dog is a worker and as he said if its going to go it going to go



sounds like to you don't give 2 fooks anyway ...



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sounds 2 me it had some type of fit or seazer should have took it straight home and got 2 the vets ,defo should,nt have been running on the same night

apparently the dog has done it before.the dog is a worker and as he said if its going to go it going to go

Just because it might have something wrong with it doesn't mean it would have to start work, a bit of medication might sort out the problem and off it goes again.


A vet's the only person that can answer that though, and if it has got something wrong with it that would stop it from working re-home to a pet home and get another one rather than run it to death.

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it makes me sick that 2 many people thinking dogs are manchines ,i agree with simo ,you come on here asking whats amatter with the dog you will take some lads word of the internet as gospel are thats whats a matter with it ,some people should,nt be aloud 2 keep dogs


Here here!

Get the dog to tha vet

here steady on lads it aint my dog im was just curious what it could of been,i said on the night to go home.and lets face it if its a heart attack what can you do for that the dog loves lamping so why retire it.i think it just cramped up to be honest

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for what its worth, i know of 5 bullxgreys that have done the same thing, and all died. They (bullxs) over heat and carnt cool down quick enough. So it can bring (high blood preasure)(stroke), thats what my vet said when i bullxgrey died. And when running in warm weather (summer) you stand a greater risk fact. My dog died after 7 runs, got 5 rabbits then had good run on a fox this was in the 80s. It missed the fox tried hard them buggers can twist+turn, then he came back. He stood still then just went over and never came to, and that was end of him, this was in november and it was not that cold really. So somthing to think about. :yes:

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for what its worth, i know of 5 bullxgreys that have done the same thing, and all died. They (bullxs) over heat and carnt cool down quick enough. So it can bring (high blood preasure)(stroke), thats what my vet said when i bullxgrey died. And when running in warm weather (summer) you stand a greater risk fact. My dog died after 7 runs, got 5 rabbits then had good run on a fox this was in the 80s. It missed the fox tried hard them buggers can twist+turn, then he came back. He stood still then just went over and never came to, and that was end of him, this was in november and it was not that cold really. So somthing to think about. :yes:

thank god someone with advise not just clever twats who pipe up.so what can be done to stop it anything or nothing?as you said all 5 died what was done to them or were they carried on working.does he retire the dog or pts?the dog done it at start of last season aswel.ive had some very good nights with this dog and it can run hard :thumbs:

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are you for real ,you had advise from the only 1 bit advice that matters TAKE IT 2 A VETS ,then MR BIRD has a story for ya and you take as gospel are so what should do ,get a fcuking grip and stop waisting time on here and get on the phoNe 2 your mate and get 2 him 2 TAKE HIS DOG 2 THE VETS SIMPLES

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