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if you were on death row

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A Tibetian Lobster.

One of Willy Wonkas Everlasting Gobstoppers........

Its all just a giggle mate, no worries

One of my wife's roast dinners with all the trimmings, followed by my nan's home made rice pudding, then some freshly made welsh cakes & a decent mug of tea! :D

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One of my wife's roast dinners with all the trimmings, followed by my nan's home made rice pudding, then some freshly made welsh cakes & a decent mug of tea! :D


well if its anything like my wifes id probably all ready be dead when the time comes :laugh:

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One of my wife's roast dinners with all the trimmings, followed by my nan's home made rice pudding, then some freshly made welsh cakes & a decent mug of tea! :D


well if its anything like my wifes id probably all ready be dead when the time comes :laugh:

You got a wife? :icon_eek:




































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One of Willy Wonkas Everlasting Gobstoppers........ :thumbs:

Is that code for willy thorne's massive cock? :whistling:

It obviously is in your sick perverted bent mind............ :icon_eek:

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