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Wheatens and Wheaten Crosses

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There's a reasonable number of wheaten lurchers knocking about, not necessarily first x but quite a few with wheaten in them further down the line, but you very rarely see or hear of pure working wheatens. Do people think a lot of these lurchers have non working KC wheaten in their make up? and does anybody know of a lurcher that definitely has KC wheaten in it but still make a good worker? I know a couple of people have posted about how they've had wheaten lurchers in the past that haven't made the grade and I wonder if the use of non working wheaten in the make up is the reason, especially those that are said to have lacked "gameness"?


Lastly has anyone seen a pure KC wheaten actually doing work of any kind or are they just as ruined and far removed from their original purpose as most of the other KC breeds?

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hate to break this to you but YOU are on THE NET talking about hunting

If this bitch (fly) you don't think highly off why did you take pups out off her????

So that is one dog,im not doubting there is any chrisbullx,im saying is there is so few. So does chris hickling have ALL the breeding for the wheaten used or like my previous post says is this the equ

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they are probably my favorite breed but there is a lot of bad one's out there and some of them are from some of the best stock over here in ireland .when the trails were still being done over here was when we had the best of them but since they stopped a lot of the lad that kept got out of them and the influx of bull into the breeding has not worked out as good as some people hoped (in most cases) some of them will kill a dog but are afraid to stick the head in a hole and bark like a jackrussel

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  On 16/05/2011 at 15:40, scent said:

you never see or hear of proper working wheaten for obvious reasons and so it should be

Thats for sure scent,and i agree with you 100%,there's still good working wheaton's out there.

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i have a bitch that has a wee slice a wheaten in her lol

an i have a mate wae a pure dog an a mate wae a pure bitch, an they aint kc dogs, just honest workers........


the reason ye dont hear aboot them is, teh guys that own them dont want yous to hear aboot them :thumbs:

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  On 16/05/2011 at 15:54, lurcher330 said:

they are probably my favorite breed but there is a lot of bad one's out there and some of them are from some of the best stock over here in ireland .when the trails were still being done over here was when we had the best of them but since they stopped a lot of the lad that kept got out of them and the influx of bull into the breeding has not worked out as good as some people hoped (in most cases) some of them will kill a dog but are afraid to stick the head in a hole and bark like a jackrussel

i know a lad had 2 last year 1kc 1not kc dog and a bitch the kc one started working well the other one started slow the kc was the dog done exactly as you say started barking wouldent put his head in and in the end killed a real good working terrier the bitch is no great shakes either but she is safe with other dogs the dog sadly past away

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  On 16/05/2011 at 16:12, fat man said:
  On 16/05/2011 at 15:40, scent said:

you never see or hear of proper working wheaten for obvious reasons and so it should be

Thats for sure scent,and i agree with you 100%,there's still good working wheaton's out there.

:thumbs: ,some lads still work a proper line of wheaten and its a great pleasure to watch them work but thank god they aint plastered all over the net
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There a chap that lives in my mouthers street that got a ped wheaton and a pup which has no papers , both non workers , the ped bitch is pretty dam nasty with other dogs but only bitches , goes mad when I walk past wit my dogs wants to kill my airdale , the bloke not vary well never takes the dogs out and he just got that pup which I was told he is now trying to sell don't want it any more , f*****g arse hole , so if any one wants to take a stab at a Wheaton in the hope it might turn out a good worker than that's the one to try, save the poor little f****r from a life stuck in that blokes garden

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there is a fair few lurcher lines in ireland which used

some pure weatons a long time ago which are still in the blood

of lurchers. to me weaton is just one ingredient in making the lurcher

that suits me

its like looking for a good saluki stud dog yet there are so many

line bred saluki lurchers.

fewer and fewer genuine working weatons around theses days but still a few

a really good one is a pleasure


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  On 16/05/2011 at 16:39, scent said:
  On 16/05/2011 at 16:12, fat man said:
  On 16/05/2011 at 15:40, scent said:

you never see or hear of proper working wheaten for obvious reasons and so it should be

Thats for sure scent,and i agree with you 100%,there's still good working wheaton's out there.

:thumbs: ,some lads still work a proper line of wheaten and its a great pleasure to watch them work but thank god they aint plastered all over the net

you sound like sum 1 who has seen alot of wheatens workin scent

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