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Thinking of buying a kennel for the lurcher

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We have had the lurcher since the begining of the year now we have gotten over poo houe training but he still pees everywhere (even with the backdoor open during daylight hours he will still pee indoors). He has also got his confidence up and has learned to knock over the bin and will knick anything remotley foody left on the counter.


Came back in from the garden yesterday (5 mins to water plants) to find he had pinched, opened and scoffed a bag of mini eggs.


Telling him off works if your there but as soon as your not looking he just does what he wants. I know some will say hit him for it, but he is part saluki and scares if you raise your voice at him.

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Hi mate,


The simple answer is to cage the pup when your not there, and if you are there to scold it anytime it tries to pee indoors. Using the cage only takes a few days with most pups.


Cheers Pernod

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The problem with the peeing is even though you think you have cleaned it and it probably is clean enough to eat off he can still smell it there so will continue to pee there. A good scrubing with something like jeyes fluid then a regular dousing of olbas oil should put him off.


I had a mate that drilled a hole through his door and watched his dog through it until it started chewing his furniture the second the dog started he opened the door slightly and scared the shit out of the dog with one of those air horns. The dog never chewed again after that.


My dogs went through a phase of eating anything left out so I just muzzled them every time I went out the last straw was when I came home and found they had eaten a huge tub of butter then vomited it all over each other and on my sofa. Luckily it was the day before my new sofa arrived. I solved it muzzling them for a few weeks with the muzzles they can still drink with etc. You can get the greyhound type muzzles dirt cheap on ebay.


As already stated. If I had one dog I would cage as dogs usually wont piss where they sleep. The trick is to make the dog think the cage is a nice place to be and not a punishment.

Edited by scalesntails
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I have tried him in a indoor kennel he just ripped the bed apart, then proceeded to fish for anything that he could get into the crate and shred that too. He had a kong with food in there but wasnt interested. Although he is quite happy in there if we are there, he will just go to sleep.


All pee stains have been washed with some dog pee smell remover stuff I got from the pet shop, we have also got rid of our lounge carpet and tiled the floor so pee is easy to clean off.


I have other dogs that would also be loose so I wouldnt really like to just muzzle him, just incase. He is also not a pup he is about 2/3 years old, I think he has previsoley lived outside.

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You can't muzzle him if there are other dogs unless you muzzle them all. It is rare that I leave my alone at all but I have noticed more problems if they had only had a short walk. It could be that his previous gave him huge amounts of exercise and even though you think he gets enough the dog still wants more. Could also be a diet thing what are you feeding him and how much?

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Its simple the dogs running the house.And no you dont have to hit i let it know the back gardens for pissing.Any time it dose it.Back garden.Put out a kennel if you feel you have to.It will soon learn. A house dog its comfort :thumbs:



Funny thing is most dogs i have rared in the kennles.Have slept in the house now and again all night and never pissed.:no:

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He is curretly eating decent quality kibbe with some raw thrown in, as we are trying to get some more weight on him (he was very skinny when we first got him). I wonder if he still feels hungry?


I have muzzles for the other dogs but they know how to take them off.


I am hoping living in a kennel will show him that he has to behave if he wants to be in the house.

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