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New to the forum so a bit of a hello in one. Going on some advice as to the GunTuff LRF to accompany an airarms s410 carbine .22 for better distance judgement to hopefully achieve better accuracy following an already successful calibration.


The question being more so, are the "new" GunTuff's no longer 5-400... I can only seem to locate the 18-400 on JSR which I presume to be the newer version? @ £105 (more or less) any ideas?

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I have the new 18-400, cracking bit of kit mate, If you want to measure less than 18yds get a tape :thumbs::laugh:


.atb. .ste.


Cant knock the logic in that, and having seen one in action I'm of no doubt I'll soon +1 to future recommendations :)

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I can see it now "stay there mr bunny, while I roll my tape out and measure how far away you are!"


Should have taken a picture earlier :laugh: , just as I was leaving (typical) there were 7 sat in what was a perfect line.. no more than 1/2 yards apart .. 2/3 yards from a fence line. Would fit perfectly with a shot of a tape :tongue2:

Edited by Rommels
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