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scottish football is crap the maj of time,id much rather watch english football.as i suspect does many scottish lads.my opinion there is no way rangers or celtic would go down south and compete straight away.ive always said aswell,why should england welcome the big two up here with open arms.i see no reason why they should.thats just my take on it as i see it.but ive been brought up with scottish football,not the greatest these days,but its all we got and tbh ive watched amateuer games over the park that were better than some games up here.at the end of the day no reason to fall out over a team or a leaugue it is what it is :thumbs:

Aye but Scot mate your a rangers fan and use love the english that much you want to be them............... :whistling:

Joking aside you cant really disagree with what you've said... :thumbs: Unfortunately most of it is true and yes i'd rather watch an english game than a St johnstone v Motherwell anytime.... :thumbdown:

But i still maintain if we were allowed into the leagues in England then 5 years down the line we would be premiership class......who knows for certain?... :hmm: Not just English leagues either, if they made some kind of European league then that would still be great....only factor there is away games and it would be very very costly to follow your team... :yes:


yea mate its kinda shit we dont have a good competitive leaugue.it does get rather predictable.good point though about 5years,ive always maintained given time we could hold our own i think.also the cost of going to games could run into a few quid and lets face it in current situations in this country money could be better spent than a game of football.wonder if it will ever happen?something needs to be done thats for sure.anyway guess its out of our hands,we will just keep plodding on regardless lol

Edited by scothunter
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whilst sitting for about 50 seconds hoping for a bit of a fight from Kilmarnock,i was thinking to myself,thank feck walter is gone after today.he must be rangers answer to JOCK STEIN .Walter Smith ha

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Would you watch a west brom v stoke game scot? England has shit teams too. Unless it's man u, Chelsea, arsenal and liverpool, playing whoever it's boring. Same with Scotland, I'd watch Celtic, rangers, Aberdeen, hibs and hearts v anyone.

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Let me get this right gnash, us jocks can't stop talking about england but here you are once again on a Scottish football thread bringing down Scottish teams. You did the same on the auld firm thread. You also admit you don't watch Scottish football but everyone in football knows it's shit. You ever thought of thinking for yourself like I am? Is it just Scottish football your an expert on or is there something else you'll argue about even though you know f**k all about it? Yea, I watch English football, I watch a lot of shit on the Telly when there is nothing else on. I wouldn't voice an opinion on it if I didn't, that would just make me look like a fool.



Well its funny you should say that Baw.....because this entire thread proves my point better than any words could !


This was a thread started about a Scottish football manager and Scottish football in general......now,if you look back you will find that i didnt enter into this thread until it was on page 15....by page 15 the talk had turned from Scottish football to English football.......I had not entered the debate before that simply because i have no real interest in Scottish football and ONLY made posts when the topic had changed from Scottish football to English football.....which it usually does with you Scots !!......i ask again,am i telling the truth or being arrogant ? :doh:


And yes,i think it is safe to asume that you dont need to be an expert on Scottish football to know its shit.....same as i didnt need to go to the royal wedding recently or even watch it on telly to know it took place !!

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:icon_eek: The royal wedding happening is a fact, someone stating that Scottish football is shite is an observation, an opinion. I don't have the time to teach you the difference but rest assure, if anyone gives you advice or there opinion on something they openly admit to knowing nothing about, feel free to laugh at them. I know man landed on the moon so I can comment on how poor coco beans are compared to previous years..... f*****g belter that. :laugh:
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Baw your running round in circles chasing your own tail mate.....you keep trying to trip me up on subjects only for that subject ( that you brought up ) turn round and prove my point for me !


In your opinion i jump in on Scottish football threads,i just proved i dont....in your opinion you dont talk about English football when you discuss football....i just proved you do.


So whats this response now.....something safe that you cant trip yourself up on :D ....can read you like a book mate !

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I have an idea that I think would benefit Scottish and English football , if every year one play off place was given to the Scottish champions , they would stay or be relagated back to the SPL on merit , the extra revenue and prospect of playing in the PL would allow Scottish clubs to attract better players , it would make the SPL more competitive and the prospect of English clubs playing Celtic , HIbs , Hearts .and Aberdeen regular would be good for English clubs .

In ten years time I could see three or four Scottish clubs well established in the EPL and a couple of yo yo clubs . I haven,t given this theory lots and lots of thought so feel free to rip it to bits .ATB P.S only messing Rangers :thumbs:

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who cares whos got the best league - scotland and england played each other 110 times ,england 45 wins scotland 41 wins 24 draws in terms of population its easy to see scotland has produced a higher proportion of better players end off :toast::thumbs:

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gnasher you have plenty to say regards a league(scottish)BUT you dislike it :blink: maybee my statement about international football will have some relavence in a couple of seasons,i beleive there will be 7 players who must be of the nationality to the league they are playing in.i think the spanish will be quids in then,as if they wernt already :tongue2:



I dont have plenty to say about it other than its shit,you know that i know that so does anyone who follows football.....so thats 1 thing not plenty :blink: ....your jumping about all over the place from English/Scottish leagues to English/Spanish leagues to International football.....the trouble with you jocks is you dont seem capable of talking about football without bringing England into it....and its never good....Clearly yous have a chip on your shoulders about English football.


As regards the 7 players thing,i cant wait and have been shouting for it for many years as it would suit my own club,why will the Spanish be quids in,dont tell me.....they dont have foreign players in Spain do they :doh: the 2 greatest players in the world might play in Spain mate but there not Spanish :doh:

reading back gnash,its you who jumps all over the place with your answers.now please LISTEN.Scottish football IS pish.my opinion.you have yours and thats only fair.BUT as Baw has stated ,watching west brom v wigan holds no appeal to me either.in MY opinion the bottom half of your epl is PISH,the one thing that you CANT argue with is that is MY opinion.try argueing with that.atb benny
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reading back gnash,its you who jumps all over the place with your answers.now please LISTEN.Scottish football IS pish.my opinion.you have yours and thats only fair.BUT as Baw has stated ,watching west brom v wigan holds no appeal to me either.in MY opinion the bottom half of your epl is PISH,the one thing that you CANT argue with is that is MY opinion.try argueing with that.atb benny



How do i jump all over the place...Baw put some points to me and i answered them,simple :blink:


Thats your opinion and thats fine....some folk prefer a plate of mushy peas to a plate of chicken and rice that dont mean to say mushy peas are a better quality food :D .....The reality is mate its all about levels,the English league is a higher level than the Scottish,thats just the way it is.....common sense would tell you that the mid table of the English would be a higher level than the mid table of the Scottish....lower the same......so for neutrals who just like to watch quality football,like myself when my own teams not playing id much rather watch West Brom play Wigan than watch St Mirren play Hamilton.


You say the bottom of our league is crap.....but a lot of Scottish folk accept that to start off with down here Rangers/Celtic would be on par with mid to top championship teams and thats where they would need to start......so your kind of shooting yourself in the foot with that remark.

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I have an idea that I think would benefit Scottish and English football , if every year one play off place was given to the Scottish champions , they would stay or be relagated back to the SPL on merit , the extra revenue and prospect of playing in the PL would allow Scottish clubs to attract better players , it would make the SPL more competitive and the prospect of English clubs playing Celtic , HIbs , Hearts .and Aberdeen regular would be good for English clubs .

In ten years time I could see three or four Scottish clubs well established in the EPL and a couple of yo yo clubs . I haven,t given this theory lots and lots of thought so feel free to rip it to bits .ATB P.S only messing Rangers :thumbs:



Its a good theory Stan....but whats in it for English clubs,its still really all just to accomodate Scottish football into the premier league i think theres got to be some sort of incentive for English clubs as well.....what that is i dont know.

In theory St Mirren or Hamilton etc could get into the English Premier league on merit,which is fine and fair.....but then whats fair about English clubs taking 300 supporters up to an away fixture in Scotland when they could have taken 3000 to an away fixture in England.

Dont get me wrong im all for it.....but it would certainly be a tricky little venture though your ideas certainly food for thought.

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I think it would make the EPL more competitive ,more interesting , more diveres ,all that would equal more revenue , but there is the issue of distance and which cup competitions they would enter ,I,ll do more research and get back to you. :laugh:

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I think it would make the EPL more competitive ,more interesting , more diveres ,all that would equal more revenue , but there is the issue of distance and which cup competitions they would enter ,I,ll do more research and get back to you. :laugh:


:thumbs: Good man....Im not sure it would make it more competetive.......I,ll nail my colours to the mast and say i would like to have Celtic and Rangers down here but not the others,i just dont see what the others could bring to the party.....Celtic/Rangers are big football clubs with big followings which theres no reason to suggest wont continue if they was down here.....the rest of the clubs get poor attendancies in their own country so their hardly going to get more down here.....When you see attendancies of 4/5/6/7000 at clubs directly behind the big two,at grounds where i dont imagine its anywhere near as expensive to actually watch football....its hard to make an argument for anyone apart from Rangers/Celtic coming down here.....but then if they did it kills Scottish football so its cutting the nose off to spite the face in some ways.....tricky one for sure.

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I,d also like to see the big two down here ,and I also think in a round about way Scottish football would benefit from it , it would make for a more competitive league , more teams with a realistic chance of winning things and qualifying for europe , better and more interesting for supporters , I think it would maybe get people more involved in thier local teams and not just Celtc/ Rangers , but as you said , a minefield.

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I think it would make the EPL more competitive ,more interesting , more diveres ,all that would equal more revenue , but there is the issue of distance and which cup competitions they would enter ,I,ll do more research and get back to you. :laugh:


:thumbs: Good man....Im not sure it would make it more competetive.......I,ll nail my colours to the mast and say i would like to have Celtic and Rangers down here but not the others,i just dont see what the others could bring to the party.....Celtic/Rangers are big football clubs with big followings which theres no reason to suggest wont continue if they was down here.....the rest of the clubs get poor attendancies in their own country so their hardly going to get more down here.....When you see attendancies of 4/5/6/7000 at clubs directly behind the big two,at grounds where i dont imagine its anywhere near as expensive to actually watch football....its hard to make an argument for anyone apart from Rangers/Celtic coming down here.....but then if they did it kills Scottish football so its cutting the nose off to spite the face in some ways.....tricky one for sure.

See this is where we differ.....cant see it killing scottish football mate, i can actually see it getting stronger. At the moment theres a handful of spl sides after the old firm that are battling for 3rd. Now if you take out the big 2 then these teams will be battling for the league. Now when that happens you get bums on seats and that means money throught the door and the ball gets rolling. You see it in cup finals when the smaller sides reach 1, i'm sure its the same in england. 5/6 thousand for a semi final but if they reach a final then they want 20000 tickets........... :o

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