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Everyone on the forum knows i'd knock him spark out within 30 seconds.......28 of those would be taken up with dazzling footwork......On a more serious note, who would win if a grizzly bear with dementia fought a silverback with a bowie knife?

a panda with a whisk would destroy them both at the same time.



True but a condor with an ice cream scoop and a bad attitude is the daddy!!!!!

i think the giraffe on a uni cycle with a bad case or acne would own him.

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He's passed it......I said to him "What a useless f*****g fat old waste of space your really are Tyson, with your tattoed face and ugly puss al slap you stupid you freak of f*****g nature!!!!"......i

does anyone think on here they would give mike Tyson a go if they meet him on the street,would you think you would be able for him now,the way Tyson is,or would he knock you out,what do you think of this man now do you stand a chance ??????or is he well passed it,would not like to get a punch of him now even the way he is

no f*****g chance, imo he could of been the best boxer to ever of walked the planet.

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Some people would be actually willing to step in a ring with Tyson :blink: the blokes only 44,an ex world champion and f*****g lunatic :blink:


I think some people have a lot to learn reading this :laugh:


half them prob couldnt fight sleep!

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You're talking about a man that has mastered the art of knocking other big strong experienced fighting men out cold.


He'd seriously hurt your average man if he really tore into them.


exactly fell,that man was f*****g knocking out grown men on the "STREETS" when he was teen with one dig and stealing thier wallets.like i said the man has serious violence issues.

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in a street fight you`d have no feckin chance --- he`d eat your nose and ears for starters .... thrs an old boy 74 ex boxer banged a couple or lads in the pub a couple of year ago when some trouble kicked off they never lose it -- in the street tyson would be at his best ..

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Everyone on the forum knows i'd knock him spark out within 30 seconds.......28 of those would be taken up with dazzling footwork......On a more serious note, who would win if a grizzly bear with dementia fought a silverback with a bowie knife?

Now that is one funny post :laugh::laugh::laugh: .Only on THL would such a question be asked :toast: ,pure gold :thumbs:

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Everyone on the forum knows i'd knock him spark out within 30 seconds.......28 of those would be taken up with dazzling footwork......On a more serious note, who would win if a grizzly bear with dementia fought a silverback with a bowie knife?

Now that is one funny post :laugh::laugh::laugh: .Only on THL would such a question be asked :toast: ,pure gold :thumbs:

thats classic simoman for you mate -- :thumbs:
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he would be a rum tool in a street fight wouldnt even need to to hit ya the man would probarly jump on ya and start eating ya alive the mans a animal,but i think even at his age youd be going to sleep if he hit ya :boxing: :boxing:

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I'd say if you hit him a punch he would start lauging at you,and knock you out with all the punchs he got of 17 stone men and bigger,want to be mad to try and brawl with that man

exactly :thumbs: its not how much damage he could do to you its what you could do to him!!! and im afraid unless your a big fecker who has trained for a long time then its not going to be alot :no: but then again this THL :D :D

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Id have him down on his arse in no time :thumbs:
















well thats if he tripped over me on his way out the ring :tongue2:


I doubt he has lost much 'talent' what he has/had was true hardness/heartlesness, raw talent to cause pain,cannot be given its bred, channeled correctly as he was originaly and you could see him making progress and working his way into the great all time legends (for the right reasons)where I honestly think he belongs :thumbs: shame Cus died before he completed the job ' cos for him winning the title was only half the job where mike was concerned, I bitterly detest Don King to this day for the fall of Tyson, some say he can only blame himeself , well not in this case, he was misused by many people, shameful story imho :thumbdown: should of stck with the racing pigeons on hios off days from the ring :thumbs:

Edited by arcticgun
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