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Alternative Method of Recharging a PCP Rifle?

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Hi Guys,

I'll start with the excuses. - Please bear in mind that I am a complete rookie at airgunning and know nothing about PCP rifles. So please be generous and excuse what might be the complete stupidity of this question. - I see PCP rifles for sale in the forum and elsewhere that mention divers bottles and hand/stirrup pumps to recharge the gun's air cylinder. Would it not be possible to use a small air compressor to do the same thing? I am not talking about one of those cheap nasty things that are plugged into the cigarrette lighter, supposedly to blow your tyres up, but a proper little compressor that you can run air tools from. I would have thought that with a an extra filter or two to scrub any moisture out of the compressed air before it goes into the Airgun cylinder, that this would work? If a hand pump works, why not this?


Once I learn how to shoot accurately with the old springers I am refurbishing, I intend to buy a PCP rifle, so I just wondered if this compressor idea was an option. I am on the lookout for a good used PCP now, in the expectation that I will be able to learn how to shoot accurately





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A "garage" type air compressor only runs at a couple of hundred psi. An airgun needs charging to a couple of thousand. The air compressors used for diving air, and for pcp's, tend to use multi stage compressors to achieve the very high pressures required (diving bottles are charged to either 232 bar or 300 bar)

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Thanks Matt, Sean,

Like I implied, you are dealing with a dummy here - ME!


Honest, I believe you. My knowledge of Physics is extremely limited, so simple concepts whizz right over my head but how come a hand stirrup pump can achieve the same as a diving bottle but a compressor cant compete with a hand pump? If I was going to blow up my car or motorbike tyres I know what I would choose between a hand pump and a compressor. Let me ask another dumb question - How do dive bottles get charged? I thought that was done by compressors? - Nuclear powered compressors? Just Kidding.




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The compressors that are used to fill dive bottle commercially are about the size of a small car! This sort of compressor can fill about 6 bottles at the same time! The hand stirrup pump works by moving a small amount of air at a time, which is very easily compressed, hence the often heard cry when 200 bar is reached of "My pump don't work no more", as it is continuing to squeeze in a small amount of air, it is just that as the pressure increases you need a lot of small amounts to make a noticeable difference on a gauge (the last 15 bar are the worst).


As you get higher up the pressure levels it can be hard work using a hand pump, thankfully there are websites with videos demonstrating their effective use (Pyramyd Air is a very good one and explains it very well. Pyramid Air link. I use their method when usign the pump and it works well for me! A decent hand stirrup pump can be bicked up reasonably cheaply, as long as you refill after every trip you should be ok too, it is only a swine when pumping a large bottle up from empty!

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Had precharge Gun's for years


I use Dive Bottles - 300 Bar


Check out Barry's picture Reference Page




Pumps are OK but cost as much as bottles - Also you have to lay Gun on Floor to fill


Aware of many accidents Pumpers have had when filling -


Also Pumps need Air Filter to reduce Mositure


Confirmed Air bottle Users :thumbs:


Most Clubs have Air Bottles and will Fill Members Gun's

So not alway's a Rsuh to buy filling system



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Hi Guys,


Thank you all for your swift and knowlegeable replies.



It is now safe to assume that I have now been straightened out on this subject and will reserve my little compressor for things that it CAN do. I must admit that for me a dive bottle seems preferable to a hernia!







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