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what would you do??

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bit of a situation for you mate but as has already been asked, how did he get your number?


does this mean he also has your address?


regardless of the above she's your dog now!!


i wouldnt let the thought of the police being involved worry one bit. you have the dog legally, you didnt steel it!!!!!


let them come matey!!


again, as has already been said print the add off if its still there.



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Tally up the money you have spent on the dog and ask him for it. If he pays then he gets the dog, if he doesn't tell him to get tae f**k.......You will soon see how much he wants the dog back....

If I was in the other blokes shoes...   Me and the misses had broken up, I was on the bones off my arse and staying round a mates, it was a nightmare trying too see the kids let alone get any of my

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If it took him this long then no sorry i wouldnt give him nothing id explain next time you speak to him that youve paid a lot of many to the vet.To have things done and on food etc and that he would need to recompense you to a tune of a ridiculous amount of money.Was the dog in decent condition if not then i wouldnt be handing her back tbh.After 28 days if you as joe public find a dog its yours legally anyways.Keep copy of the ad on gumtree and your sorted it then becomes him and hers fight to be had nothing to do with you good luck with her

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Owner of a dog is a civil matter - the police wouldn't be very interested - and very hard to prove.

The dogs yours and he's hoping the threat of police will make you give it back.

Sad that the ex may have given his dogs away from behind his back, but not your fault or your problem IMO.

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