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judgeing lurchers at shows

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The judges job is a poison chalice,you are on a hiding to nothing from the start and the reason its so hard to find one,ask anyone who's put a show on the trouble they have finding a judge,hence the r

The main trouble with judging a show is all the entrants genuinely believe their dog was better than the winner,then all the bitching starts.ive judged a few lurchers and the biggest problem i found w

Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?   Secondly why take a scared up dog to one of these shows knowing the judges dont even give that type of dog a second look?

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their some people now buying lurchers and terriers for their show potential and this can only lead to inferior dogs with little or no working abilty been to pontoppike show and blanchland seaham most northeast shows over the years not showing but before i was into dogs 20 plus year ago the dogs at the shows then were purely for working now its for extra value that it puts on your dog with the ribbons on its collar :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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  On 14/05/2011 at 21:10, coney clucky said:

their some people now buying lurchers and terriers for their show potential and this can only lead to inferior dogs with little or no working abilty been to pontoppike show and blanchland seaham most northeast shows over the years not showing but before i was into dogs 20 plus year ago the dogs at the shows then were purely for working now its for extra value that it puts on your dog with the ribbons on its collar :thumbdown::thumbdown:

That's right mate, most dogs were working dogs to begin with, it's showing that fecked 'em up.

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I think its a bit of a slap in the f*****g chops when you arrive at some of these shows which are arranged well in advance only to discover the judge is an excuse for a judge,and even I can pick the winning dog because I know what type he or his mates prefer!!

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  On 14/05/2011 at 21:18, romany52 said:
  On 14/05/2011 at 21:10, coney clucky said:

their some people now buying lurchers and terriers for their show potential and this can only lead to inferior dogs with little or no working abilty been to pontoppike show and blanchland seaham most northeast shows over the years not showing but before i was into dogs 20 plus year ago the dogs at the shows then were purely for working now its for extra value that it puts on your dog with the ribbons on its collar :thumbdown::thumbdown:

That's right mate, most dogs were working dogs to begin with, it's showing that fecked 'em up.

the younger generation seem more into good lookers than good workers mate and not all but lot seem to read to much into shows good looks never put food on the table not unless you a pross :thumbs::tongue2::tongue2:

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on one of the only twice i showed my dogs it was at pon top pike few year ago i took my old bull cross fred granted he was marked up but i was told by a steward that i should not have entered my dog as his scars were going to have people talking i pointed out that its a working lurcher terrier show and entered my dog any way honestly it was a joke what won the class the dog looked nowt like any bullx ive ever seen or most others their judging by peoples reactioms no disrespect to what did win after the show me old mate who with me said to me that the judge stated to him he knocked me dog as it had to many scars to which my mate said you prick its bullx class working lurchers not fcking crufts cheers mick need less to say never went again :thumbdown:

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Had a mate who used to judge at shows took no end of stick for placing dogs that had scars, as he told the whingers im judging on what i think is a true working dog not on what looks pretty, and beleive me that guy knew his dogs. Strange how he was never asked again. :thumbdown:

Edited by keepitcovert
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  On 14/05/2011 at 21:55, coney clucky said:

on one of the only twice i showed my dogs it was at pon top pike few year ago i took my old bull cross fred granted he was marked up but i was told by a steward that i should not have entered my dog as his scars were going to have people talking i pointed out that its a working lurcher terrier show and entered my dog any way honestly it was a joke what won the class the dog looked nowt like any bullx ive ever seen or most others their judging by peoples reactioms no disrespect to what did win after the show me old mate who with me said to me that the judge stated to him he knocked me dog as it had to many scars to which my mate said you prick its bullx class working lurchers not fcking crufts cheers mick need less to say never went again :thumbdown:

[bANNED TEXT] year was that?

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