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judgeing lurchers at shows

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The judges job is a poison chalice,you are on a hiding to nothing from the start and the reason its so hard to find one,ask anyone who's put a show on the trouble they have finding a judge,hence the reason why you get inexperienced wannabe's doing it,nobody likes to take flak off fellow dog owner's for either a biased decision or a straight one,the fun element of these shows have been lost,going back 30yrs there was only one gamefair and no local terrier and lurcher shows,it is only as the dog's have become popular that these shows appeared,the Fell and Moorland ran the first show's I attended and it was as a fund raising excercise to claw back some of the money that was outlayed in the winter on some of the bigger rescue's,they were our only fallback and are still the only decent club worth joining or contributing to with genuine interest in the welfare of our dog's,anyone that remember's the massive shows that brought LLangollen to a standstill of a weekend will realise it was a great meeting place for old friends and new alike,it is only a bit of fun and not to be argued and fought over,go to the shows for the right reasons and enjoy the company of like minded lads that will be raising money for a good cause (normally) and if you don't enjoy it then you are there for the wrong reasons,remember your dog will always be the best in YOUR eye's,don't take the day too serious and you will meet some decent people and make new friends,you will get better quality judges coming forward when they stop taking too much stick,after all WOULD YOU DO IT ??? atb,wirralman

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The judges job is a poison chalice,you are on a hiding to nothing from the start and the reason its so hard to find one,ask anyone who's put a show on the trouble they have finding a judge,hence the r

The main trouble with judging a show is all the entrants genuinely believe their dog was better than the winner,then all the bitching starts.ive judged a few lurchers and the biggest problem i found w

Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?   Secondly why take a scared up dog to one of these shows knowing the judges dont even give that type of dog a second look?

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The last 2 shows I went to, the 1st year it was judged by a lad that used to be on here by the name of Snatch FLCC and the 2nd year it was Reload who judged, they didnt puff themselves up with importance, took their time and made what everyone could see were honest judgements based on what they saw.


Show judging is only a thankless task when the people entering take it too serious, so your dog dont get placed.....who gives a f**k, have some criac, have some pisstake and enjoy your dog in the field and let the serious showponies go f**k themselves! lol

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  On 15/05/2011 at 10:04, WILF said:

The last 2 shows I went to, the 1st year it was judged by a lad that used to be on here by the name of Snatch FLCC and the 2nd year it was Reload who judged, they didnt puff themselves up with importance, took their time and made what everyone could see were honest judgements based on what they saw.


Show judging is only a thankless task when the people entering take it too serious, so your dog dont get placed.....who gives a f**k, have some criac, have some pisstake and enjoy your dog in the field and let the serious showponies go f**k themselves! lol


Also very well put Wilfred old boy.. :thumbs:

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  On 15/05/2011 at 10:06, Bosun11 said:


Also very well put Wilfred old boy.. :thumbs:


Mate, as you know it is well worth a £1 to see Dillon stood in the ring with terrier, burger and can of fosters......I would pay the quid everytime just to be able to shout abuse at him!! :laugh: :laugh:

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  On 15/05/2011 at 10:16, WILF said:
  On 15/05/2011 at 10:06, Bosun11 said:


Also very well put Wilfred old boy.. :thumbs:


Mate, as you know it is well worth a £1 to see Dillon stood in the ring with terrier, burger and can of fosters......I would pay the quid everytime just to be able to shout abuse at him!! :laugh: :laugh:



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  On 14/05/2011 at 13:53, coney clucky said:

what makes a person want to judge others lurchers and how do they pop up as experts ive stopped taking my dogs for this reason some of the people judging others lurchers havent got a clue and just lick arse others are on ego trips i was taking to a judge and he told me he was taking it easy with his dog of 3 years which he had since pup and stated he had 13 bunny with it in that time iwouldnt dare tell any one me dog had only that in three year he has terriers which he also judges and doesnt work his whats that say to you about his dogs ive seen judges who think they no the far end of a fart but just book readers i thinj lot of shows just their for people to rossett hunt lick no alls arses and ego trips dont need any body to tellme my dogs ugly looker do that me self


Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?


Secondly why take a scared up dog to one of these shows knowing the judges dont even give that type of dog a second look?


Maybe your an attention seeker?


I would bet you will be at more of these shows you so hate this summer getting so pissed off because your not getting the attention you think you so deserve :toast::whistling:

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  On 15/05/2011 at 10:26, The Kurgan said:
  On 14/05/2011 at 13:53, coney clucky said:

dont need any body to tellme my dogs ugly looker do that me self


Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?




Agree with Kurgan, why take your f*****g mutt if you dont need anyone to tell you what its like :laugh: ..........as for the 13 rabbits bit, well all I can say is that the bloke was honest about his dog......what would you have done, bullshitted? :whistling:


Get over yourself mate ;)

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some good posts on here i also cant see why anyone would bother going if they didnt like them or all they were going to do was moan about the day and or judge . treat them for what they are a fun day out with like minded people chance to meet up with folk you wouldnt normally meet untill the winter. yes there are some that are only in it for the showing but so what its their choice at least they look after their dogs i judge the odd show myself never more than 2 a year and believe me its a thankless task .and before anyone asks no i dont show my dogs tbh their not the type for showing but in the past have shown my lurchers with some success but more failure but whatever the outcome still enjoyed the day out which is what its all about.to all you moaners think about it the average judge travells miles out of his own pocket spends all day looking at and handling dogs then drives all the way home and what for normally for a charity or club to raise funds and personally i dont even take my expences but give it back to the club or charity .some people need to take a chill pill and enjoy the day for what its supposed to be but in life theres some that aint happy unless their having a moan.

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  On 15/05/2011 at 10:26, The Kurgan said:
  On 14/05/2011 at 13:53, coney clucky said:

what makes a person want to judge others lurchers and how do they pop up as experts ive stopped taking my dogs for this reason some of the people judging others lurchers havent got a clue and just lick arse others are on ego trips i was taking to a judge and he told me he was taking it easy with his dog of 3 years which he had since pup and stated he had 13 bunny with it in that time iwouldnt dare tell any one me dog had only that in three year he has terriers which he also judges and doesnt work his whats that say to you about his dogs ive seen judges who think they no the far end of a fart but just book readers i thinj lot of shows just their for people to rossett hunt lick no alls arses and ego trips dont need any body to tellme my dogs ugly looker do that me self


Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?


Secondly why take a scared up dog to one of these shows knowing the judges dont even give that type of dog a second look?


Maybe your an attention seeker? not me mate ill be out wi dogs walking never going to another show my dogs wank and rather watch paint dry never been to one in last 5year pall :big_boss::big_boss:


I would bet you will be at more of these shows you so hate this summer getting so pissed off because your not getting the attention you think you so deserve :toast::whistling:

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  On 15/05/2011 at 10:33, WILF said:
  On 15/05/2011 at 10:26, The Kurgan said:
  On 14/05/2011 at 13:53, coney clucky said:

dont need any body to tellme my dogs ugly looker do that me self


Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?




Agree with Kurgan, why take your f*****g mutt if you dont need anyone to tell you what its like :laugh: ..........as for the 13 rabbits bit, well all I can say is that the bloke was honest about his dog......what would you have done, bullshitted? :whistling:


Get over yourself mate ;) n how important ever been to show pall in 5 year pall but a dare bet you a rossett hunter wi big plack on ya wall and large ego to match :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


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I love shows there's nowt funnier that some fat prat in cammo gear prancing around the ring with his pride and joy half drunk then spitting the dummy out....priceless. You have to feel sorry for the judges though, no matter how honest they are there's always gonna be a lot of pissed of folk. Seen one guy approach a judge and offer him a square go cause he didn't get a place.

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