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judgeing lurchers at shows

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what makes a person want to judge others lurchers and how do they pop up as experts ive stopped taking my dogs for this reason some of the people judging others lurchers havent got a clue and just lick arse others are on ego trips i was taking to a judge and he told me he was taking it easy with his dog of 3 years which he had since pup and stated he had 13 bunny with it in that time iwouldnt dare tell any one me dog had only that in three year he has terriers which he also judges and doesnt work his whats that say to you about his dogs ive seen judges who think they no the far end of a fart but just book readers i thinj lot of shows just their for people to rossett hunt lick no alls arses and ego trips dont need any body to tellme my dogs ugly looker do that me self

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The judges job is a poison chalice,you are on a hiding to nothing from the start and the reason its so hard to find one,ask anyone who's put a show on the trouble they have finding a judge,hence the r

The main trouble with judging a show is all the entrants genuinely believe their dog was better than the winner,then all the bitching starts.ive judged a few lurchers and the biggest problem i found w

Firstly why bother with these shows if you have such a dislike for them?   Secondly why take a scared up dog to one of these shows knowing the judges dont even give that type of dog a second look?

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would nt waste my time, im not a rosette hunter

ive seen people pull up with vans full of lurchers of every type and terriers of all types as well not one of them could do a decent days graft and that is plain for all to see but the judges seen many a scared up dog bull cross and others been frowned upon why call them working dog shows its a load of old crap leave dog shows to crufts

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Lurchers shows SHOULD be treated as light hearted BUT the sad fact is too many get obsessed with a bit of ribbon and lose all common sense, a dogs true worth is in the field but the sad fact it many see the dogs value on its asthetics and imo should get a reality check, and perhaps a life...............

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Lurchers shows SHOULD be treated as light hearted BUT the sad fact is too many get obsessed with a bit of ribbon and lose all common sense, a dogs true worth is in the field but the sad fact it many see the dogs value on its asthetics and imo should get a reality check, and perhaps a life...............


Aye a day out not to be taken seriously...however, some folk just don't get it!

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Lurchers shows SHOULD be treated as light hearted BUT the sad fact is too many get obsessed with a bit of ribbon and lose all common sense, a dogs true worth is in the field but the sad fact it many see the dogs value on its asthetics and imo should get a reality check, and perhaps a life...............

to true pall i only went to one or to hopeing to meet other lurcher men and talk dog stuff but found its competitve not light hearted at all butt lickers paradise fck that

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Yeah I was at a show last week and everyone was focused on the showing it was a working dog show but everyone was really grooming and prepering their dogs. Should have seen the tantrums that some blokes pulled when they lost it was so funny the just jump into cars and left in a strop lol

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I attended a show recently and in my opinion the judge in the lurcher ring would have been better at judging a Greggs Pastie,because I just couldn't see what qualified him to be judging pet rats let alone lurchers

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i know what you lads mean last week went 2 the blanchland show and their was a mother and son combo judgeing the lurchers don,t get me wrong the mother and father has dogs for a few years but the son must have been 18 or younger could,nt judge a fart :icon_eek: it was the biggest fars i,ve seen and a few lads that traveled from the borders wern,t very happy either ,don,t get me wrong i go 2 some for the crack and enjoy seeing different types of dogs but i,m ripon hunter :laugh:

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I attended a show recently and in my opinion the judge in the lurcher ring would have been better at judging a Greggs Pastie,because I just couldn't see what qualified him to be judging pet rats let alone lurchers

that was my point in this thread mate just my view but looking at the way present show seen going we all at to learn dog grooming and the art of sucking up to some judges anus a dog in the show ring is what i supposed to be jugded on its potential ability to work not on its owners ability to talk crap why on earth are dogs that show signs of scars and obvious working injuries looked upon by judges as imperfect when its clear they do the job a lurcher is meant to do what a big sett of air sucking selfcentered farts :icon_eek::thumbdown::whistling:

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