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Free shooting

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Well me and a lad from work have paid for a morning and evening goose flight this saturday in Kircudbright bay in scotland, only one problem, he's fallen off a horse and has jibbed out! :clapper:


So if anyone fancies going there with me get in touch, its free, only thing are you need B.A.S.C. a shotgun cert, and the use of none toxic loads are a must. :yes:


Anyone fancy it then? :whistle:


Either get in touch with me via site, or you can email me on bertie_w@hotmail.co.uk B)


I live in bishop auckland in county durham should anyone want a lift there.

Edited by bertie
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I can't beleive it either, its also on another 4 sites with no reply.


Just to give you some idea of its value, it cost us £70 each, and i'm offering his place FREE! This is also tha last weekend for shooting geese on the forshore in this season, the kit you'd need to wear is cammo and wellies, so nothing we all dont have! :whistle:

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I can't beleive it either, its also on another 4 sites with no reply.


Just to give you some idea of its value, it cost us £70 each, and i'm offering his place FREE! This is also tha last weekend for shooting geese on the forshore in this season, the kit you'd need to wear is cammo and wellies, so nothing we all dont have! :whistle:





Just out of curiousity are you going on some kind of course or are you paying a goode guide to take you out?? A guide shouldn't be charging you to take you out on crown foreshore where shooting is free. :hmm:



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I can't beleive it either, its also on another 4 sites with no reply.


Just to give you some idea of its value, it cost us £70 each, and i'm offering his place FREE! This is also tha last weekend for shooting geese on the forshore in this season, the kit you'd need to wear is cammo and wellies, so nothing we all dont have! :whistle:





Just out of curiousity are you going on some kind of course or are you paying a goode guide to take you out?? A guide shouldn't be charging you to take you out on crown foreshore where shooting is free. :hmm:




Mark it was come by from an ebay auction for the wild trout trust fund, so i didn't mind paying the money, as its got me a days shooting and its for a good cause!

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