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Has anybody tried the lenspen ?

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Hi all


i found this item on the bay and i was just wondering if anybody has tried this product. The price is very cheap and i am thinking of buying one.


Regards ,


John :unsure:



Edited by mjr88
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I use the Leupold version - previously to buiyng it, I used the cloth that came with the scope but found the pen clears the dust for more effectively with the brush and the microfibre polishing pad really gets a shine on the lenses. I don't use anything else now.

Hope this helps


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  On 12/05/2011 at 12:01, Smig said:


I use the Leupold version - previously to buiyng it, I used the cloth that came with the scope but found the pen clears the dust for more effectively with the brush and the microfibre polishing pad really gets a shine on the lenses. I don't use anything else now.

Hope this helps



Thanks for the swift reply Smig :thumbs:

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Like Smig I've got the Leupold version and use it for brushing the dust off but I'm a bit wary of using the polishing pad on the basis that if you've still got any grease or fine grit on the pad or the lense you're going to either smear or grind the glass - a very expensive risk.


For years I tended to use the spectacles spray stuff with a proper cloth or papers for cleaning my glasses and 'scopes, switched to meths (as per specsavers). But I now get my specs really clean under a running tap with a touch of liquid soap on my fingers - squeaky clean every time and shake dry. The finger tip touch is far better than any cloth or lense paper. Occasionally use the cloth just to polish them off, don't ever use bog-roll or kitchen paper - re-cycled complete with possible metal filings etc etc. Could roll up like a cigarette and just dab with the end.


Having done it on my glasses for more than a year without any problems on the coatings or the plastic lenses, I tried it on my old faithful Swarovski 3-12x56 and then my 8.5x42's - excellent! (But Swarovski might throw their hands up in horror, Lol!)


That's me - blooming sight cheaper than anything else. Oh yeah, having a Blaser means the 'scope comes off and I haven't got the whole kit under the tap................laugh.gif




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yup...got the jsr version [i think] and it cleans far better than cloth and brush.




lol...just checked your link and it is the same as mine....a good buy considering they can cost 4 or 5 times that ammount.

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