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Anyone for Goat

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i think the aisian kid proberbly had other other suplements gnash ;) and on top, just a lucky fecker geneticly.


if you like curries in genral,,i think youl like a curried goat,, if you dont like curries try having a look at morocan cooking some of there tagiens are beautifull :thumbs:


Ditto, Moroccan grub is gooood. Mate of mine is just starting to get a goat milking herd together, all the males will be slaughtered, he reckons normal age at around 5 weeks! At that age I imagine them to taste a bit veal-ish which I dont like. But then if you leave em to long..... well them billys do stink! LOL. I had one here for a couple of years but he was banded so didnt stink. Been to a couple of farms round here that are or were goat farms, smell lingers for years. Do love goats cheese though.

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Curry Goat, and a pint of red stripe

Dont eat it mate ,its shite,we had one in 1954 and i can still taste it :sick: my dad had an old billie away from somewhere ,he cut its throat in the back yard then butchered it with the coal hammer ,

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got some in my freezer gnas -- pop round for dinner anytime --- curried -- or slow cooked is the best way its a bit fatty on certain cuts -- i even chucked some on the barbie last year :whistling: no one even noticed or asked what it was ...

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Never tried it tried loads of other meats though so might give it a go lol.Shame cos a women pestered me for weeks looking for someone to take her 2 goats i did try explaining i dont have space for a goat nevermind 2 oh if only id known

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He is quite right on the fat content gnasher, being alot lower than most meats, infact up to 50% less. The higher protein part aint true though, infact it has similar protein percentage to beef but a little less than chicken. Im sure google will be able to provide alot more details!



Ok well im reliably informed its not as high as turkey and around the same as chicken......and theres me thinking i knew my nutritional values....i hadnt ventured into darkies foods though....not sure i can face walking into a carribean restaurant but i spose its no different to going for an indian....just have to walk in and say gimme some goat :blink: ....cant be doing with the curry though.

Dont eat it mate ,its shite,we had one in 1954 and i can still taste it :sick: my dad had an old billie away from somewhere ,he cut its throat in the back yard then butchered it with the coal hammer ,Bill next door had the head and liver ,he had 16kids and they ate anything put in front of them,our mam roasted a leg for sunday dinner ,it was vile :sick: Mams mate ,Nancy ,who had been married to a yankee itie during the war, told mam ,the wops cook it in olive oil and garlic ,the nearest mam could get to that was a lump of lard and a spanish onion,once again vile .Mam sent what was left to madge and bill next door ,they loved it ,but after that ,madge never had no more kids.

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never tried goat but I don't doubt it's very tasty. The most exotic meat I would recommend to anyone is ostrich. It tastes lovely, and if you get a steak it is very tender and worked out quite a lot less than beef. Also very low fat, high protein etc but not sure how it compares to goat.

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i think the aisian kid proberbly had other other suplements gnash ;) and on top, just a lucky fecker geneticly.


if you like curries in genral,,i think youl like a curried goat,, if you dont like curries try having a look at morocan cooking some of there tagiens are beautifull :thumbs:



Ive bumped into him a few times and been impressed by some of the weight he is moving...he came up yesterday and started giving me the 20 questions about roids/supps etc... i was astonished to hear how poor his diet is and his total lack of nutritional knowledge...he takes no supps and eats chips with everything :icon_eek: ..he is definately what id class as a genetic freak and will be very interested to see how he develops if he dedicates himself....without meaning it to sound as it does ive always believed the white man is superior to africans/asians etc when it comes to physical strength,its been proven over time......but i must admit ive never seen a kid of this age with such core strength and so gifted genetically.....its the only reason ive taken an interest in all this goats meat its got me scratching my head and my arse at the same time :D

Edited by gnasher16
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i have eaten a lot of different meats all over the world but the nicest i have ever eaten is girrafe .... the most beautifull steak i have ever tasted ........

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got some in my freezer gnas -- pop round for dinner anytime --- curried -- or slow cooked is the best way its a bit fatty on certain cuts -- i even chucked some on the barbie last year :whistling: no one even noticed or asked what it was ...



Thats very civil of you chief :thumbs: ....must admit im a bit dubious of curries you can get away with chucking anything on them !....Im told goats do not store fat in their bodies until over a year of age,hence " kid " is a better meat nutrionally but not as juicy and tasty as adult goat.

Anyway,ive made it my mission to taste a goat this weekend :blink: ....nothing ventured nothing gained.

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Curry Goat, and a pint of red stripe :thumbs:


With some hardo bread. YUM.


What's hardo bread Jen?


It's a type of bread Jamaicans eat - white bread, kinda thick. Goes well nice with curry goat :D

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got some in my freezer gnas -- pop round for dinner anytime --- curried -- or slow cooked is the best way its a bit fatty on certain cuts -- i even chucked some on the barbie last year :whistling: no one even noticed or asked what it was ...



Thats very civil of you chief :thumbs: ....must admit im a bit dubious of curries you can get away with chucking anything on them !....Im told goats do not store fat in their bodies until over a year of age,hence " kid " is a better meat nutrionally but not as juicy and tasty as adult goat.

Anyway,ive made it my mission to taste a goat this weekend :blink: ....nothing ventured nothing gained.

Gnash , if your going to try it go W Indian , they take pride in it , it,s like a national dish , the puma trackies tend to just curry it any old way . :thumbs:

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i think the aisian kid proberbly had other other suplements gnash ;) and on top, just a lucky fecker geneticly.


if you like curries in genral,,i think youl like a curried goat,, if you dont like curries try having a look at morocan cooking some of there tagiens are beautifull :thumbs:



Ive bumped into him a few times and been impressed by some of the weight he is moving...he came up yesterday and started giving me the 20 questions about roids/supps etc... i was astonished to hear how poor his diet is and his total lack of nutritional knowledge...he takes no supps and eats chips with everything :icon_eek: ..he is definately what id class as a genetic freak and will be very interested to see how he develops if he dedicates himself....without meaning it to sound as it does ive always believed the white man is superior to africans/asians etc when it comes to physical strength,its been proven over time......but i must admit ive never seen a kid of this age with such core strength and so gifted genetically.....its the only reason ive taken an interest in all this goats meat its got me scratching my head and my arse at the same time :D



yeh i have always beived the same gnash,,,, nearly all the best weightlifters, strongmen are of

white european stock, also in genral better swimmers.. but they seem to be faster than us.


is it down to those diffrent muscles fibers,, fast twich slow twich??? fecked if i know :D

well you man must be one lucky fecker with those genetics :thumbs:

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