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too close for comfort?

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For some reason i cant or dont want to, then leave em be and enjoy them, to me that is the correct attitude of a decent sportsman

and this is one of the reason's the antis hate us .

i was thinking exactly the same but then look at his name, the way he writes and his attitude and its clear to say its a child writing that stuff that probably doesnt have the dog to kill a fox.

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last year there was a litter of 5 cubs in the field behind my place i watch em grow to more less adults use to throw the scraps from the bucthers to em at the back of my shed i add about 30 young shamos none was touch so i guess the bulldogs stop that :thumbs:

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  On 11/05/2011 at 20:54, boyo said:

good post and right attitude antis cant understand why we love what we hunt and never will.


spot on :thumbs:



if shes not causing a problem then leave be. but id deffo start looking at how fox proof my chicken run is and maybe chuck her some scraps if shes getting enough food youd hope she would leave the chickens

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Mate there foxes, they dont live on thin air. Even if theyve not touched your chickens yet thats not to say they never will, especially when the vixen has 5 or 6 hungry mouths begging for grub. And i guarantee there killing SOMEBODYS chickins, racing pigions, a kids pet rabbits etc etc. I would stick the patt down there without thinking twice.

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  On 12/05/2011 at 09:17, Top Lamper 2k10 said:

I would be teasing my dogs on them for a laugh untill there old enough then pow the fox wouldn't now wat hit the c**t a bit og backgarden mayhem lol



and this is one of the reason's the antis hate us . :wallbash:

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Those people who are shouting to kill them with all the baying frenzy of a pack of hounds are unlikely to have killed a little cub themselves. It ain't nice and it ain't macho. Fair enough if the vixen is causing a problem to livestock, then do it quick and clean and don't leave a cub or cubs behind to starve to death, but much better to leave them be if possible.........and yes, get plenty of photos if you can. :thumbs:


I wonder how many people have terriers which won't touch cubs but will finish an adult fox with no trouble. I've had two bitches like that, and both were very hard dogs.

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if she is not causing any problems at the moment leave her but if your worried about your chickens why not try to trap her and relocate her before she has her cubs in an area where you might have a chance of coming across her again or maybe on some cranky farmers land that told you were to go when ye asked about permission nono.gif

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  On 12/05/2011 at 10:25, the big oz said:

Same here get the patt down mate, it a risk u could end up losing ur chickens. she will definatly no that they are there by now and if it gets to hungry, it will just go and do the job with ur chickens.

Ide get the dirty thing dug and gone. And if you come accross sum cubs get them reared up your self.

my pals raising 2 cubs now and going strong, guna let them free when they older.



I've probably lost hundreds of foxes over the years through the only hole u ain't put a net on, the only gap in the fence, or just the sneaky things a fox will do when you think it's as good as caught! I've got a lot of respect for foxes every one I catch with the dogs is a result! They are the number 1 quarry to me I'd rather dig one fox than lamp a 1000 rabbits anyday! I would never think of a fox as dirty! It's muppets like you that bring the dogworld to it's knees! In my mind I would leave them till September then there fair game atb jamie

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  On 12/05/2011 at 09:53, DogMagic said:

Mate there foxes, they dont live on thin air. Even if theyve not touched your chickens yet thats not to say they never will, especially when the vixen has 5 or 6 hungry mouths begging for grub. And i guarantee there killing SOMEBODYS chickins, racing pigions, a kids pet rabbits etc etc. I would stick the patt down there without thinking twice.

what you have said is correct, But a sporting man/woman, always has Respect for his Quarry, let the cubs be and have sport in November, I knew a

Huntsman, who fed foxes with dead Lambs, and left his stock alone, then in the Hinting season he always provided good sport,

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