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Info would be appreclated.rifle ammo usage.

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Hi guys n gals, the rifle shelf consists of .17 hmr .22Lr and .223, but because of working long hours and on a tight budget all the time he doesnt use anywhere near his stated amount on his fac.someone said that if the police pick up on this it will be revoked on next renewal.he is getting a bit worried now.the fact is he does shoot every week and when he does he is only letting off a few rounds With the Rimmys and doesnt use the centrefire much as its only for fox and this is due to standing crop and being on top of the vermin problem.in a nut shell you doesnt shoot rounds into thin air at rain clouds so usage is low. Can this cause a problem i cant see how it would but advise is welcome.there is good reason for having them but doesnt shoot everything on sight he is just using ammo as and when needed.cheers

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my dad had the ammount of ammo he could buy and store dropped to a lower number due to lack of use btu i dont think they would revoke the licence as long as he has genuine usage for the guns they probably just do the same just lower the ammount he can buy and store probably down to the feo who visits when his certificate is due for renewal.

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As stated above, the FAC wouldn't be revoked as long as the certificate holder has a genuine reason to hold the required firearms.


The "Maximum quantity authorised to be purchased at any one time" and "Maximum quantity authorised to be purchased or acquired at any one time" section would just be decreased if the FEO or Chief Constable felt it necessary to do so.


If it is reduced; the Certificate can always be varied in the future if more ammunition is required.


I never hold my maximum requirement at any one time.


My gunsmith is very close so I only acquire what I need, rather than what I am allowed and having it stacking up. :thumbs:

Edited by Urban Fox Control London
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As said, most likely is a reduction in amount to hold. That said, back in THER GOOD OLD DAYS a mate lost his ticket for .45ACP through not putting enough down range.He was having too much fun with his new toy, a Colt Python in .357 Magnum.


Ahem. This is where I burst into tears.



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I got mine cut for no using enough rimmy bullets ,but there was one guy putting 5 bullets threw his in the life time of his cert and my f.a.o. said he would have no problem going in front of a sheriff stating the guy did not need that gun .

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Hi guys n gals, a friend of mine shoots for local farms and his rifle shelf consists of .17 hmr .22Lr and .223, but because of working long hours and on a tight budget all the time he doesnt use anywhere near his stated amount on his fac.someone has told him that if the police pick up on this he will get it revoked on next renewal.he is getting a bit worried now.the fact is he does shoot every week and when he does he is only letting off a few rounds With the Rimmys and doesnt use the centrefire much as its only for fox and this is due to standing crop and being on top of the vermin problem.in a nut shell he doesnt shoot rounds into thin air at rain clouds so usage is low. Can this cause a problem for him.i cant see how it would but advise is welcome.he shows good reason for having them but doesnt shoot everything on sight he is just using ammo as and when needed.cheers

As long as he is firing off some rounds he should be OK. If in 5 years he's only fired off 2 rounds from the 223 for example the FAO may question his need to own such a calibre, but they understand he wouldn't be purchasing anywhere near the amount of centre fire rounds as Rimfire bullets due to it being used for foxes.


You say he is using them so I can see no problem,

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This is all speculative mate, you dont say how many rounds your buddy has actually used over 5 years.

However lack of use, or lack of target species equals lack of reasonable need for any given calibre.


There has to be target species on your permission otherwise they wont grant/renew particualr calibres - no 223 rounds shot equals 2 things - your mate doesnt go out as much or there is nothing to shoot on his/her permission, either way it means the same thing - no need to own that calibre of rifle, you cant just 'want' to own a gun.


Tell him to get out and do some shooting if he/she is that worried, if they cant afford to then thats another matter.

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He has purchased about 80 223 rounds in the last twelve months about 500 .17 in the last two years and atleast 800 .22 Lr in 3 years or so.like i say he does go out but doesnt waste them.he checks zero now and then only cos he looks after them and doesnt throw em about.so really to put this usage in respective he user about 15 rimmy a week. .17 about twenty a month. And the centrefire on average ten a month ish more when crop is harvested as too much cover for lamping where he shoots so he is trapping and snareing fox till then. Hope this sheds a bit more light on the topic.cheers

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I told him not to worry but ya know wat its like when it comes to renewal dates.i remember a year or two ago i asked for a open condition on my rim fire and centrefire and was refused.the wording in the reply was, i quote. You have only had your firearms licence two years and your usage seems to be low for the last 6 months,im suprised your asking for your conditions to be altered.i have this in a letter at home.i phoned the Feo up and explained i wanted it opening as i gained another farm adjacent to one of my permissions and a possible two more and i didnt wan2 have to keep getting land owner permission letters apart from my more regular ones. i told him i had made a severe dent in my pest problem on my land and the usage is lower than usual due to keeping the balance of remaining pests.i said how can my usage increase if im restricted to certain places without filling in forms and posting letters all time? I told him that i know wats a safe and not safe shot so can You let of decide if a new piece of land is deemed suitable? it was then opened and yes my usage has doubled. They do listen to us shooters, just sometimes they have clouded judgment and need to see it from our side. All in all i think my mate has no problem.yes he doesnt use thousands of rounds but without the few he does use the pest will be back. Ill pass on all your comments keep em comeing. Cheers

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If the firearms are not being used then the police see no good reason for him having them and will most likely take them from him.


BUT seeing as he does use small amounts of rounds at weekends, its likely that the police will reduce the amount that he is allowed to hold and buy.

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Hi guys n gals, a friend of mine shoots for local farms and his rifle shelf consists of .17 hmr .22Lr and .223, but because of working long hours and on a tight budget all the time he doesnt use anywhere near his stated amount on his fac.someone has told him that if the police pick up on this he will get it revoked on next renewal.he is getting a bit worried now.the fact is he does shoot every week and when he does he is only letting off a few rounds With the Rimmys and doesnt use the centrefire much as its only for fox and this is due to standing crop and being on top of the vermin problem.in a nut shell he doesnt shoot rounds into thin air at rain clouds so usage is low. Can this cause a problem for him.i cant see how it would but advise is welcome.he shows good reason for having them but doesnt shoot everything on sight he is just using ammo as and when needed.cheers

Kill some stones boy, 'USE IT OR LOSE IT' .22 Rimfire ammo is very cheap, 17HMR is TOO dear and therefore an expensive and uneccessary TOY if you have a .223, your mate clearly doesn't use one rifle let alone 3, a tight budget doesn't wash if you own 3 rifles and 3 scopes? Get real. Again USE IT OR LOSE IT (you have been warned)

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