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male or female?


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Just sold a male to a welsh zoo last Tuesday untouched in the aviary with parents since it hatched in May last year, the lad who picked it up rang me the next day and told me it weighed 1lb 14! I knew this one was a lump by the way it stood head and shoulders over its father in the aviary plus the ben long anklets he brought round were too tight. A lad in Lincolnshire had a male of simular stamp a couple of years back which dropped out of a tree and took a 3 1/4 grown leveret which I thought was a one off but apparantly it took another one :icon_eek:.


Also heard from a Guy a few weeks ago who flys a nice female that took a Canada goose as it lifted off a field. the lad who picked the bird up last tuesday told me they was flying a male and female pair from the zoo in wales which go up on the soar regular, apparantly the pair was well up when the male peeled off and sloap soared into a valley, the next thing he knew Crows was bundling in all over the place to help the one the male had caught, the next thing the female dropped from her pitch and nailed one of the crows that was attacking the male! when he got down the valley the pair was just feet away from each other with a crow each :clapper:.

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