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Summer Coats

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Sorry i see what you mean now, the second ferret. Albinos do tend to have various whites in their coat, if that makes sense. I thnk WB is more like the white on the BEW / light poley in the first picture.

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"Waardenburg syndrome is known to occur in ferrets. The affected animal will usually have a small white stripe along the top of its head or a solid white head and a somewhat, although barely noticeably, flatter skull than normal ferrets. As a ferret's sense of hearing is poor to begin with it is not easily noticeable except for when the affected animal does not react to loud noises that non-affected ones will respond to. As the disorder is easily spread to offspring, the affected animal will not be used for breeding by private, reputable breeders, although it may still be neutered and sold as a pet. Unfortunately, companies that mass breed and sell to pet stores consider the markings caused by the disorder "exotic" when compared to the standard sable ferrets, so they continue to breed deaf ferrets with no regard to the fact that they are producing deaf ferrets. As a result, 75% of ferrets with a blaze or white head sold from pet stores are deaf.[7]"


Question for ya ,, the ferret is a albino that has the white stripe , thought waardenburg syndrome only effected coloured ferrets ?????


I wasn't saying that ferret had it, i was just giving the info for general curiosity.


Out of interest how can you see a white stripe on an albino ferret?


You can see the differance in the photo,, was cleaning them out and noticed it coming through the coat

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