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Lucas terriers.

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Hi bud.


I have one (well had one)


She stayed with my mum and dad when I moved out of home in 2002.


She will be 9 on the 16th and is a great wee terrier. My dad takes her out a fair bit but but only ferreting and bushing.


Her Dam was Plummers Pip and the sire was a pure selyham terrier (I think called Mr Ted, but can't remember) also owned by Plummer.



Are you thinking about getting one?

Edited by minion
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I have two but one only works rabbit and is gun shy so the girlfriend has it because it aint no use to me and the other is a cracking little dog he works above and below on fox and he never backs off. I was just intrested to see if anybody else worked them to ground.

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  minion said:
Hi bud.


I have one (well had one)


She stayed with my mum and dad when I moved out of home in 2002.


She will be 9 on the 16th and is a great wee terrier. My dad takes her out a fair bit but but only ferreting and bushing.


Her Dam was Plummers Pip and the sire was a pure selyham terrier (I think called Mr Ted, but can't remember) also owned by Plummer.



Are you thinking about getting one?




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The origional Lucas Terriers bred by Plummer were all sired by my dog 'Polo', who was bred by Mrs Fielder from Lucas's own Ilmer blooded line.

The subsequent generations included a lot of pure Sealyham blood.

What has been added over the past 10 or so years, i couldnt say.


In my opinion they are handy little terriers. Not as good to ground as the lakelands i used, but the dog i owned worked below ground to various quarry with moderate success, not fantastic but better than some of the '100% guarranted' digging dogs ive seen.


I think everybody has their own standards of whats good and whats not. At the time i owned 'Polo' i was doing a lot of digging and he was an interesting alternative, a bit of an unusual experiment.... nothing more, nothing less.. ( he was an excellent drawing dog it has to be said, and he probably saved the better digging dogs a lot of unnecessary punishment and injury at the end of digs )


Ihope this may have been of some use to you...

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Some very wise words from JRB. a well respected terrierman. I was a professional terrierman for 21 years with a 4 day a week pack and for the last 6 years i used nothing else but Sporting Lucas Terriers which all revert back to J.R.B's Polo. I needed a bolter not a digging dog, something that would shout out even if at a fox, with sometimes as many as 100 mounted followers waiting for a hunt, the pressure was on and invariably the fox would bolt after a couple of minutes sitting quiet once the dog was out. I needed a dog that would work, sometimes, half a dozen times a day for 3 or 4 days a week, one that didn't get marked up as they were permanently in the public eye and one that didn't tear chunks out of a fox either. I accept that they were no good for the digging lads and am not trying to make any comparison, all i am trying to say is that they did the job that i wanted them to do

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This is Polo, sire of Plummers Pip.


This is Polo, sire of Plummers Pip.


This is Polo, sire of Plummers Pip.


This is Polo, sire of Plummers Pip.



Sorry, trying to upload a picture without too much success..... the file im trying to add is too big... HELP !!


Ihave some pictures somewhere of Pip aged about 3 months taken in Caithness , I'll try and dig them out and upload them... if i can work out how to, remember this is before the age of digital photography !

Edited by jrb
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Thats the origional cross, sealyham x norfolk. Lucas's idea was to retain the Sealyhams qualitys but reduce the size using the Norfolk's




if anybody can tell me how to reduce the size of the upload and add it as an attatchment i would be grateful

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  jrb said:
Bassethund, do yours go back through Parsons bloodlines ?

J.R.B mine are going back to Hillhead Dotty Patch, William Box (who may be known to others under a different name), Raggengill Pippin, Claytons Tip and Claytons Fairy, which are the parents of Claytons Teddy which i think Minion would be referring to, Raggengill Samantha. I no longer keep terriers as i now have no need for them since i came out of hunting, I now keep working Basset hounds and flush foxes to guns which is proving to be very effective and great sport!

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I dug with Dotty in the early 90's down here and over in Wales and Ireland. Wiliam was bred along the same lines if i remember correctly. Pippin was from the first mating we we done with Polo and i think the dam was Gram..


its great to remember those days, I hav'nt had a digging dog since my old dog Rats died a good few years ago, but i do miss those days ! Especialy on the days you wake up to a hard frost ...

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My terrier was named Raggengill Twinkle.


I used to work Raggengill Willow, Raggengill Mr Pie and one of the other bitches he had but I can't for the life of me remember her name along the clyde at Abington for a wee while and they were all good wee dogs.


Willow was very small and was the best out of the three of them.



From memory my terrier is 1/2 Selyham, 1/4 Plummer and 1/4 Lucus, but is refered to as a sporting lucus. (not that it effects me in either way what she's called)


I will get a few pics up when I get a chance.



I only ever worked her to rabbit and she was easy to train and break to ferret.

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