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mad ferret breeders

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It's another year and STILL theres far too many ferrets being bred. Doesn't anyone get a hob done or pay to have the gill injected? It's hard to find real quality stock unless you're right 'in the know' and the ferret scene is bein flooded with crap every year.. For them that breed quality, for good reason, does it not piss you off when people expect all of your hard work for less than a tenner a kit? PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU BREED. If money's a problem, either find a mate with a vesectamised hob or DON'T keep ferrets! .. and that's my rant for today :tongue2:

Edited by foyrious
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people still believe the old wives tale that a ferret has to have kits every year or she will die .... there are plenty of snipped hobs out there if people bothered to look around ... i have bred 2 out of the 9 jills i have and i only bred them to replace some of my stock that are going to be to old after this coming season ... my snipped hob has done the job on over 20 jills this year .... that would have been a hell of a lot of kits flooding the market .........

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Most of the ferret rescues are already flooded with ferrets .. and i spoke to a lady who between 2 groups have over 500 ferrets in there care.. thats just 1 rescue I am pretty sure its the same across the country


Seems most of the intake is from companion homes rather than working homes ..

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Same, it does my fecking head in. Jabbed all of mine, bar one this year that i am taking a litter from, my first in years, and all the kits bar the odd one will be kept by me, my friends and family. Only reason i'm breeding not buying in kits, is that i have a line i trust and want to contiune. But after this year, unless tragedy strikes, i wont need to breed another litter for 4/5 years at least.


The problem is that everyone who goes ferreting and bolts rabbits reckons their ferrets are 'top workers' and worthy of breeding from, which is just total bollocks.


Not to mention the pet/idiot brigade.

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Guest alcapone

I bred 2 litters last year,one planned and the other was a jill given to me and "forgot" to mention it was in kit!! I couldnt believe how much they ate,im lucky in the respect that my friend does alot of pigeon shooting and i get plenty off him and another friend breeds and rears chickens and was fortunate to help mysely to young cock birds when i wanted. I was lucky in the respect i had all my kits taken off me by friends and friends of friends so i wasnt stuck with them,i dread to think of the cost of the feed bill had i had to pay for everything! Ive one litter this year as i lost a jill i kept back last year to an illness,and fortunate again that friends have asked for kits bagain this year so im not stuck with them,before you breed these animals make sure you have a free suply of food or can provide enough food to rear them,i was genually shocked at the amount they got through and very greatful to friends for my constant fresh supply of meat. I visited a few lads yards over the summer and many had kits,and ive got to admit i was disgusted with some of the states id seen,stinking of sh*t and under fed almost wild looking animals,unhandled and latching onto you at every oppertunity,many had no homes waiting for them. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF QUALITY FOOD. And thats my pennys worth! :thumbs:

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just read an ad on gumtree guy selling 2 prg jills for 60 quid ? he then goes on to say he made 640 notes from last years litters and yes there silvers :whistling: if there making that sort of cash why is he selling them :blink:

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Ten jills here and none of them getting bred all been in with the snipped hob . But same as already said i think your wasting your breathe mate some folk think there going to get loads of cash from breeding them some cant organize a snipped hob wait till they find out how much there going to eat to see them away from the jill at three months . And wait till the excuses start pouring in LOL

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  On 10/05/2011 at 17:19, stew206 said:

How much is it to get a jill injected



cost me £7.15


if i do ever plan to bread my ferrets it wont be for a few years,ive still alot to learn yet

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  On 10/05/2011 at 11:01, socks said:

people still believe the old wives tale that a ferret has to have kits every year or she will die .... there are plenty of snipped hobs out there if people bothered to look around ... i have bred 2 out of the 9 jills i have and i only bred them to replace some of my stock that are going to be to old after this coming season ... my snipped hob has done the job on over 20 jills this year .... that would have been a hell of a lot of kits flooding the market .........

couldnt agree more :thumbs:

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im breeding this year,,, not bred anything for 3 years,,, but im down to just 3 jills now so need replacement stock,, already some homes sorted for the remainding kits.

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