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would you suggest to catch this season with a young pup

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Hi av just getting a 8 week old pup want to use him for ferreting and lamping when do you think a should start him and do you think he will be to young for this season.

A suppose a could take him out december time to watch the older dogs

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Hi av just getting a 8 week old pup want to use him for ferreting and lamping when do you think a should start him and do you think he will be to young for this season.

A suppose a could take him out december time to watch the older dogs

could give him a few easy ones back end of march but apart from that id wait till the season after :thumbs: only problem with buying pups at this time of year is this but it cant be helped so good luck with him :victory:

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I used to always target 100 rabbits before a year old

what age would you start the pup?whatx you on about doing 100 rabbits before 12 months?and if the dog dos,ent get your target does in go in the journey?

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hes abit young.you could do a bit of training with him now.at that age i would get him used to the ferret and get the ferrets used to him.try getting them feeding together.and you need him to retrive aswell.theres nothin worst than a good dog that wont retrive.i would start play training him with a ball.

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He retrives a ball as fast as he runs after it and will not put it down till a put me hand out and a havnt tought him this he does it by himself and a nother thing he will runn like madd thej stop as fast as he can then sits down and looks about before going in a hyper again

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Hi av just getting a 8 week old pup want to use him for ferreting and lamping when do you think a should start him and do you think he will be to young for this season.

A suppose a could take him out december time to watch the older dogs


All depends on the dogs maturity (Mentally and physically)

If you feel he is ready get him some really easy rabbits December time through the day, once he has had a few and is doing what you want ie;- retrieving, good recall then try him on a few runs on the lamp, just about 6 ish then retire on a catch. Wait a fortnight or so then try again. Remember..... slowly, slowy catchy monkey when pups, what you do with him at the start will follow on through his adult working life :thumbs:

Personally i would not have him out with older dogs, can just lead to frustration which could lead to yapping and misbehaving, he will be a better dog learning on his own with you, you will become a team.

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A never took me last one out till she was 13 month and by 16 month she did every thing even the thonsa that bite back also antlers aswell, a good all arounder for her age

No dog is ever spoilt by holding it back till u think its ready mate mine 12 month and only got 5 at the end ov the season but he knws what he has to do hopefully next season he will be a better dog best ov luck to you mate

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there would be no harm in bringing him out when hes about 6 or 7 months with the older dogs to get him used to working on the lamp.


I'll do that when my Merfy got 6 or 7 months old.. By now she's only 3 months. She's a Lab and St. Bernard mix so you probably know how big she is by now. About 10-15 kilos already.

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