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Mole X2 and Huntsman too!

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Well as you know I am lucky enough to have a wife who not only enjoys shooting but also wants to go hunting. However after January and the car crash she has been unable to join me, until today that is. I took her down the permission that Ron Weasley can now come on as well and we set up, at a slight disadvantage with wind direction. I shot a kit out in the hedgerow at 37 metres. Not a lot of action after that, the wind picked up to about 36mph so we moved to the track.


Now Mrs Mole has had surgery on her wrist about 6 weeks ago, wind diagonally at 30-39mph (variable gusts). A rabbit popped it's head out, right at the bottom of the permission, 50 metres away. I ranged it and told her the range. She checked her scope, lined up, got composed and then fired. Kit down. The wife has taken her first rabbit at 50 metres (nothing like doing it in style eh lads?).





Well there were another couple of kits after that, but conditions got even gustier so they were missed by millimetres. We gave up as the cloud bank rolled over. There was supposed to be a photo of me in all this, but she managed to take a video instead and the videos off this cam are next to damned useless. So here is a photo of Mrs Mole and kill as well as one of the X2 and Huntsman!



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Well shot to you both Mike and Mary. I'm really warming to the look of the Daystate Huntsman. it's got a lot of traditional sporting rifle lines which I prefer the look of.


What are they like to shoot/live with?



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She is forsaking all other rifles Simon, she loves it that much. Superb grouping, excellent trigger, light, easy to hold (she is still recovering from the operation bless her). The trigger has a light first stage, with a cleanly defined second stage and shear! They both give about 60 full power shots in .177 on a fill, have a simple to load magazine, only thing I can fault is that they have a rear bolt action and I prefer side bolts, but I can live with it. Simple to operate safety switch, just flick down the roll switch at the back. Lift up to fire.


They are great guns to own! I have had mine out hunting since the BSA went in for a service (needs it :whistling:) and they are accurate and deliver enough force to drop rabbits in .177! In Mary's case at 50 metres, you can see the rubbish pile behind her walking back? That was where she shot it, there is a run just in front of that, it shoved it's head out and caught a pellet, superbly delivered by Mary (Hawke Map Pro 3-9x50).


It just feels a nice, precise, quality gun. It behaves in a precise, repeatable way, enabling accurate use of the Hawke scopes! Mary says next time we are round your way we will bring them up so you can have a shot or 10 with them, she says that by way of thanks for all the help we will even offer you lunch at a pub somewhere!

Edited by secretagentmole
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That would be lovely Mike, thank you. The Blue Bell Inn is a delightful old place, good pint, good grub and just around the corner and down the road from Field No1 where I have my hunting target range set up. It would be nice to see you shoot here with these fine guns.


Does the Huntsman come in left hand flavour?


My compliments on your shooting Mary. Hope the wrist injury is not impeding too much and is getting better.



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  On 08/05/2011 at 21:04, Mrs Mole said:

Operation was only 3 weeks ago Moley.. Typical bloke..


Well Done Mrs Moley "Mary" for that fine long shotgunsmilie.gif, Now you'll have to Show Mr Moley how to do it.thumbs.gif.


regards Daz.diablo.gif

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Simon I am sure a left hand stock is available for the Huntsman, we will let you know when we are in the area and will arrange a meeting. That way you can confirm that Mrs Mole and Mole are indeed two separate people. Mrs Mole feels like she can truly post now she has had her first air rifle kill! I agree it was superb shooting in those wind conditions, it was squally as heck yesterday!


Just do not tell her I said so, she might get ideas and start accompanying me more often, I do not think I could get used to being so outshot on a regular basis!

Edited by secretagentmole
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  On 09/05/2011 at 05:48, pianoman said:

That would be lovely Mike, thank you. The Blue Bell Inn is a delightful old place, good pint, good grub and just around the corner and down the road from Field No1 where I have my hunting target range set up. It would be nice to see you shoot here with these fine guns.


Does the Huntsman come in left hand flavour?


My compliments on your shooting Mary. Hope the wrist injury is not impeding too much and is getting better.




Hi Simon,


It's wonderful I can now feel the trigger, nerves are slowly healing after op.. But the wrist is a little sore after yesterday, but it was worth it.. Should be up in a couple of weeks time, please bring Mrs Simon with you!!




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nice work guys, and well done on your first kills in crappy weather mary. my missus has started coming out on the weekends now and is coming on pretty well too. we've tried the spotter/shooter arrangemnts but due to giggling like a couple of schoolkids realised that we're better off in sperate areas- not as funny but a helluva lot more productive!!


cheers, wurz

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