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pup out of action already

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first time posting , second time i wote this out don't know where i posted it the first time.......on sunday my pup fell down the back step,she was kicking up hell so i phoned the vet and took her straight there,he said to leave her there so he can x-ray her leg and he'll give me a ring when i can come to collect her. after about an hour ([bANNED TEXT] seemed like a life time) he rang back with the bad news the poor little sod has broke her leg in two places each side of the elbow , when i collected her from the vet he said it is quite a bad brake so he strapped it up for the time till he can speak to his partner in the morning to find out [bANNED TEXT] they think is the best way to repair the bone. they was'nt to sure about repairing the bone so they posted the x-rays to another vet's to get there advice. hopefully hear something tomorrow.

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mine did the same, i took it to a small animal bone spesiallist in bedford,he did a craking job and now you would,nt even know there had been a break. the dog was insured, lucky really because the operation cost £1700, but like i said i didnt have to pay a thing my insurance company paid out good as gold lucky really or would have been curtains for the little blighter!!

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  mussells said:
mine did the same, i took it to a small animal bone spesiallist in bedford,he did a craking job and now you would,nt even know there had been a break. the dog was insured, lucky really because the operation cost £1700, but like i said i didnt have to pay a thing my insurance company paid out good as gold lucky really or would have been curtains for the little blighter!!


Who are you insured with Mussels,as I have just picked up a new pup and want to insure her.

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our patterdale developed a limp at four months old on hind leg , but had not seen him knock it or any thing,so took him straight to vets, on looking at him vet showed me his legs looking from arse end and you could clearlly see one leg thicker than other,she said muscle in leg had not developed,straight in for xray poor bugger had broken off top halve of ball joint. vet said it was quite common injury, easy to repair but hard to get muscle to strengten up.next day he went in for operation, broken piece of bone removed from top of ball joint then whats left shaped to go in socket.he came home same day total rest for 7days and then load off exercise to build muscle up. vet reccomended swimming (hydrotherapy) took him 20 times at £15 a go hes now fully recoved and has muscles like popeye, and yes he was insured they paid for everything thanks churchill

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