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A short time out......

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Howdy guys.....


Well it was wor kid and my turn out last night as Shannon doesnt like night hunting.

We were looking forward to a good session but the weather had turned less than favourable.

We hit the ground just before midnight to find the farm being slowly covered in a gradual light mist..... Not a good start for both lamp or NV. :thumbdown:

So after the usual gear set up, radio check and zero check we went our usual ways.

I headed for the paddocks and wor kid the where there's normally 1 or 2 hanging around, but nothing. :thumbdown:

On the other side of the paddocks there's a walkway which leads up to a Llama/Alpaca pen, there's always 1 in there....and sure enough a single 1/2 grown coney sat munching about 5 yards under zero (25yds) and didnt know I was there.....

I brought the crosshair on the sweetspot and gave it a little holdover and watched as the pellet struck home. I scanned again to make sure there were no more before going to collect my first of the night.

The rain started a bit heavier than before and the mist was getting a little heavier now reducing visibility through the NV greatly but could still make out objects to 50-60yds.

I climbed on the bench and peaked over the fence into the adjoining paddock and another single coney was sitting huddled up. The image through the NV was crystal clear which told me the bunny was bang on zero of 30yds....(still can't get used to this yds conversion.... :icon_redface: ) the .22 Daystate Li hit with a loud crack and the bunny did the last salute and lay motionless. Number 2 in the bag.

The radio went off as I climbed the fence into the hay field, it was wor kid saying there was something up with his HW, it was scattering like a shotgun and he couldnt hit anything and was heading back to the van....yet when we checked zero it was pellet on pellet.... :wallbash:

I got to the top of the hay field and visibility had closed right in with nothing in sight for 35-40yds then a single diffused pearl caught my eye on a final sweep, it looked like another 1/2 grown..... The image in the NV was slightly blurred which meant it was further away, or could that be the mist disrupting the NV??

The rabbit sat bolt upright as if it knew something wasnt right, so it had to be a standing shot as if I'd have moved to get into a kneeling or prone position I think it would have gave it legs.

I steadied my position, raised the rifle slowly and lowered the crosshairs and aimed at the top of the pearl, breathing under control the pellet hit with a crack and on the follow through I saw the bunny do a 360 backflip any gymnast would be proud of.

I went to collect the quarry, paced out at 38 good paces to where it lay..... that was number 3.

Visibility had dropped right down to 25-30yds and it was pointless carrying on so I made my way back to the van where wor kid was waiting. The rabbits were cleaned and the guts thrown for Charlie and we were off back home.

I was actually surprised when I looked at the clock to find it 01:35hrs....we'd only been out an hour and half!

Hopefully we'll find the problem with wor kids rifle today and he'll be back on form as usual.


cheers for reading as usual..


The nights bag.....





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well i found out what the problems was and its now sorted .... somehow the gun crept over the 12fps the crono was reading between 13.7 and 14 fps so with a quick tweak its back to 11.3 and putting pellet on pellet ...



atb gary

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  On 08/05/2011 at 11:15, Marksman said:
  On 08/05/2011 at 10:58, markha said:

Nice one mate, what NV you using now Darryl?


Yukon Sentinel 2.5x50 mate.....really is a top bit of kit!




Glad you put that - im thinking of buying one - what extrsa illumination do you use??

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  On 09/05/2011 at 08:09, longy0710 said:
  On 08/05/2011 at 11:15, Marksman said:
  On 08/05/2011 at 10:58, markha said:

Nice one mate, what NV you using now Darryl?


Yukon Sentinel 2.5x50 mate.....really is a top bit of kit!




Glad you put that - im thinking of buying one - what extrsa illumination do you use??


I don't use any mate ..... I did have the Yukon 100mW but it proved useless compared to the built in one so I sold it to Andy&Archie off here.

On a clear night The built in one in mine is good for 100m+ detection and 60m for clear recognition


They're a great buy. If you search the reviews section I done a review on one when I first got mine. It might sway your decision.



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The 2.5x is fine mate.... I think my write-ups show that. Still wouldn't mind trying a doubler though. But some say it affects the quality of the Image



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