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Reusable pellets? You Yorkshiremen are nearly as bad as the Scots ...

If you're not on the farmers land, then where the hell ARE you shooting? Shooting on common ground is guaranteed to get you done for armed trespass. Don't believe the police don't worry about it, it'd

Quite possibly the worst thing you can do to your barrel other than jumping on it is putting pieces of plastic/nylon through it.   My own experiance with them (and every one I know) says that you wi

Cheers Daz :)


It was only a 10 minute walk to my permissions, now its either a 3hour walk or two trains and 30 minutes walk.


Got some leads on local permissions here though that I'm going to be following up once my chest has cleared up again :)


Same for me mate no permission at the Moment, So joined local Airgun Club, Except their Plinking and Zeroe range only go out to 55 yrds, so when its quite i put some pop bottle tops out to 60,65 & 70 yards,

to get up to Simon & Andys Standard of Spring rifle shooting !!!!! 70 yards at the Moment abit hit & miss due to open field after the 60+ mark, more wind blowing affecting pellet accuracy at bottle tops.wallbash.gifwallbash.gif.


Hope your chest clears up matey and you get out to shoot soon.thumbs.gif.


Regards Dazdiablo.gif



sounds mental, but live in bradford. you dont even need permission :gunsmilie:


our polizei are too tied down with drug dealing and counter terror :)

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Hi Andy, fair to crap to be honest :(


I was hoping to get to my permission today for some range time on paper and then a couple of bunnies, one for a curry one for the cat.

But it's all gone tits up again, so gonna be doing the UBC 6 yard Vintage Rifle shoot if I've enough ink in the printer to print the targets :hmm:



it will all come right in the end mate im shure...


is there no lads on hear that have permission closer to you that may be willing to take you out???


shure some one would be able to help.



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Same for me mate no permission at the Moment, So joined local Airgun Club, Except their Plinking and Zeroe range only go out to 55 yrds, so when its quite i put some pop bottle tops out to 60,65 & 70 yards,

to get up to Simon & Andys Standard of Spring rifle shooting !!!!! 70 yards at the Moment abit hit & miss due to open field after the 60+ mark, more wind blowing affecting pellet accuracy at bottle tops.wallbash.gifwallbash.gif.


Hope your chest clears up matey and you get out to shoot soon.thumbs.gif.


Regards Dazdiablo.gif


So my coaching has paid off a bit then :tongue2:

Told you you'd get the hang of it and want more!!






Your right Darryl got the airgun Bug again and thanks again for your help, your a proper Gent.big_boss.gif, Just waiting for my Rapid to arrive!!!! Rapid is ready but my Walther match grade barrel still stuck in Germany till next week.wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif.


Then Matey hopefully be able to give you top lads a run at the next meet with Three and a half months of practice under my belt.hunter.gifhunter.gifhunter.gif.



atb Dazdiablo.gif

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Hi again Andy,

It was a local lad thats finished with his gun that gave me the leads ;)


@Yorkshunter if you aint got permission, you are an idiot, I've looked down the muzzles of an ARU team, and it AINT FUN

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Hi again Andy,

It was a local lad thats finished with his gun that gave me the leads ;)


@Yorkshunter if you aint got permission, you are an idiot, I've looked down the muzzles of an ARU team, and it AINT FUN


I'm with Tony....Not just that but it's people like you who piss me off....we do all the hard work of actually gaining permission properly, taking the time to seek it out, letters, visits etc then there's the others who think they can just do as they please....

Good job you aint up here and we caught you on ours....I'd make sure to have you done for armed trespass and whatever goes along with it :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:



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as above.:thumbs:



for god sake dont use them.




I've fixed for you Andy :laugh:


Oh dear.... bin them then? heard good reviews about them!!



buy a airgun magazine and they never give a bad review.....only because they get to keep the item that they are reviewing


there is no way that i would put plastic in my barrel :thumbs:

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Hi again Andy,

It was a local lad thats finished with his gun that gave me the leads ;)


@Yorkshunter if you aint got permission, you are an idiot, I've looked down the muzzles of an ARU team, and it AINT FUN


I'm with Tony....Not just that but it's people like you who piss me off....we do all the hard work of actually gaining permission properly, taking the time to seek it out, letters, visits etc then there's the others who think they can just do as they please....

Good job you aint up here and we caught you on ours....I'd make sure to have you done for armed trespass and whatever goes along with it :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:




like i said, they really dont give two hoots. ive even come across police and spoke with them, and ive tried and tried for permissions and got nowhere, so why keep bothering??

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Hi again Andy,

It was a local lad thats finished with his gun that gave me the leads ;)


@Yorkshunter if you aint got permission, you are an idiot, I've looked down the muzzles of an ARU team, and it AINT FUN


I'm with Tony....Not just that but it's people like you who piss me off....we do all the hard work of actually gaining permission properly, taking the time to seek it out, letters, visits etc then there's the others who think they can just do as they please....

Good job you aint up here and we caught you on ours....I'd make sure to have you done for armed trespass and whatever goes along with it :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:




like i said, they really dont give two hoots. ive even come across police and spoke with them, and ive tried and tried for permissions and got nowhere, so why keep bothering??

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Hi Andy, fair to crap to be honest :(


I was hoping to get to my permission today for some range time on paper and then a couple of bunnies, one for a curry one for the cat.

But it's all gone tits up again, so gonna be doing the UBC 6 yard Vintage Rifle shoot if I've enough ink in the printer to print the targets :hmm:



it will all come right in the end mate im shure...


is there no lads on hear that have permission closer to you that may be willing to take you out???


shure some one would be able to help.




Pianoman has told me im welcome up at his shoots anytime, so i think i shall have to take him up on that offer, cos i reckon i can learn a lot from his wisdoms :gunsmilie:


other than that, the farmers aint ever willing to let me shoot on there land. which is shite, but i kno places in bradford like the back of my hand, and i never go on the farmers land, i dont fancy looking don the barrel of an angry man hahaha


some people will think im a dickhead for doing so, but its either that or dont go shooting?? :blink:

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Or you could just keep trying!!!

I gave up when I lost all my permissions to syndicates and people like yourself who didn't have permission to be there and f****d it up for me.

Also openly admitting you're comitting armed trespass ain't a good thing for both the people on this and other forums, and also yourself......,


Hope ya happy!!



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Or you could just keep trying!!!

I gave up when I lost all my permissions to syndicates and people like yourself who didn't have permission to be there and f****d it up for me.

Also openly admitting you're comitting armed trespass ain't a good thing for both the people on this and other forums, and also yourself......,


Hope ya happy!!




like i said, i dont go on farmers land.


id be happier if i could get some where, but i live in a city and farms aint the richest of pickings.

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Still armed trespass as long as you don't have written permission to be there. As for being in a city people in other city's manage. Also there's plenty of places outside Bradford to try mate.

Give it a go. You never know you might surprise yourself!!



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Still armed trespass as long as you don't have written permission to be there. As for being in a city people in other city's manage. Also there's plenty of places outside Bradford to try mate.

Give it a go. You never know you might surprise yourself!!




i would rather be on land im allowed to be on, not having too always be on alert for other people.

i think that, you have a point there mate. :thumbs:


any tips for talking to landowners cos clearly i must have no tact :whistling:

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Still armed trespass as long as you don't have written permission to be there. As for being in a city people in other city's manage. Also there's plenty of places outside Bradford to try mate.

Give it a go. You never know you might surprise yourself!!




i would rather be on land im allowed to be on, not having too always be on alert for other people.

i think that, you have a point there mate. :thumbs:


any tips for talking to landowners cos clearly i must have no tact :whistling:


If you're not on the farmers land, then where the hell ARE you shooting? Shooting on common ground is guaranteed to get you done for armed trespass. Don't believe the police don't worry about it, it'd look good for their stats to get an armed trespass arrest and conviction under their belt!

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