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today i took delivery of 75 Prometheus paragon z1 pellets, so i thought id go down my range and try them out. I heard they were very good at range.


Better than i thought, shooting at a MDF board with my targets on them, at 45 yards. i went down to see what i had done up close, noticing these plastic pellets were hanging out of the MDF i got my pliers and give one good tug (pardon the pun ;) ) and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out comes a perfect pellet, so theres me thinking why did u spend a stupid amount on plastic and zinc pellets. turns out if i can find them i can use them again!!! :)


im gonna go up the cemetery this morning and see what they can do to the local bird poplulation, so far i recommend these Z1s to you all, and they look the shizzle too. bit of a fuss to put down my bsa lightning xl barrel tho :(

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Reusable pellets? You Yorkshiremen are nearly as bad as the Scots ...

If you're not on the farmers land, then where the hell ARE you shooting? Shooting on common ground is guaranteed to get you done for armed trespass. Don't believe the police don't worry about it, it'd

Quite possibly the worst thing you can do to your barrel other than jumping on it is putting pieces of plastic/nylon through it.   My own experiance with them (and every one I know) says that you wi

Quite possibly the worst thing you can do to your barrel other than jumping on it is putting pieces of plastic/nylon through it.


My own experiance with them (and every one I know) says that you will forever be cleaning the burnt/melted plastic from your barrel and trust me its not easy to remove.

Watch the strands of black string stuff that puffs out of the barrel.

They are woefully inacurate and a total waste of your money.


The ones made entirely from Zinc are a far better option :yes: and even better still, lead ones :yes:

Gimicks come and go and lead pellets are still being used for a reason :good:


Edited to say : I still have 4 boxes of them unopened (three years now)

Edited by Phantom
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The ONLY good thing I've heard was the manufacturers hype about them. :yes:


You could always put up a poll and find out how many people on here use them or read






Or go further back using the search forum feature ;)


I got my hands on an old Daisy rifle the other day paid a fiver for it purely for indoor 6 yard shooting. I wouldn't even put one through that :no:

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The ONLY good thing I've heard was the manufacturers hype about them. :yes:


You could always put up a poll and find out how many people on here use them or read






Or go further back using the search forum feature ;)


I got my hands on an old Daisy rifle the other day paid a fiver for it purely for indoor 6 yard shooting. I wouldn't even put one through that :no:


the amount of people are against than for. oh well ya live and learn, i'll just pass em on to some unsuspecting twat :)


thanks for letting me know lads before i really started putting them down the barrel :)



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Hi Andy, fair to crap to be honest :(


I was hoping to get to my permission today for some range time on paper and then a couple of bunnies, one for a curry one for the cat.

But it's all gone tits up again, so gonna be doing the UBC 6 yard Vintage Rifle shoot if I've enough ink in the printer to print the targets :hmm:

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Hi Andy, fair to crap to be honest :(


I was hoping to get to my permission today for some range time on paper and then a couple of bunnies, one for a curry one for the cat.

But it's all gone tits up again, so gonna be doing the UBC 6 yard Vintage Rifle shoot if I've enough ink in the printer to print the targets :hmm:




Hi Tony hope it starts to work out better for you soon matethumbs.gif


Regards Daz.diablo.gif

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Cheers Daz :)


It was only a 10 minute walk to my permissions, now its either a 3hour walk or two trains and 30 minutes walk.


Got some leads on local permissions here though that I'm going to be following up once my chest has cleared up again :)

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Cheers Daz :)


It was only a 10 minute walk to my permissions, now its either a 3hour walk or two trains and 30 minutes walk.


Got some leads on local permissions here though that I'm going to be following up once my chest has cleared up again :)


Same for me mate no permission at the Moment, So joined local Airgun Club, Except their Plinking and Zeroe range only go out to 55 yrds, so when its quite i put some pop bottle tops out to 60,65 & 70 yards,

to get up to Simon & Andys Standard of Spring rifle shooting !!!!! 70 yards at the Moment abit hit & miss due to open field after the 60+ mark, more wind blowing affecting pellet accuracy at bottle tops.wallbash.gifwallbash.gif.


Hope your chest clears up matey and you get out to shoot soon.thumbs.gif.


Regards Dazdiablo.gif

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Same for me mate no permission at the Moment, So joined local Airgun Club, Except their Plinking and Zeroe range only go out to 55 yrds, so when its quite i put some pop bottle tops out to 60,65 & 70 yards,

to get up to Simon & Andys Standard of Spring rifle shooting !!!!! 70 yards at the Moment abit hit & miss due to open field after the 60+ mark, more wind blowing affecting pellet accuracy at bottle tops.wallbash.gifwallbash.gif.


Hope your chest clears up matey and you get out to shoot soon.thumbs.gif.


Regards Dazdiablo.gif


So my coaching has paid off a bit then :tongue2:

Told you you'd get the hang of it and want more!!



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