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  On 07/05/2011 at 14:29, squint said:

But what you'll find is the majority of the English are lazy...and thats were the problem lies.



Thats a bold statement....do you have any legitimate evidence to prove MOST ( the majority ) of English people are any more lazy than Yanks,Spicks,Chinks,Wogs....or god forbid......the Welsh !!


What a stupid thing to say.

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Totally f****n ignore them.....can you imagine the whole tribe of them standing there doing their bit with absolutely nobody paying a blind bit of notice.......that would piss them off more than any r

Absolutely,believe me when i was young i was pulling my hair out in frustration,getting into all sorts of shit....but it just dont work like that.....to some extent i understand the mentality of " bei

Stop voting labour and any other ethnic cuddling welcome to Britain party,   The BNP is too extreme and has no chance of getting in and let's face it seriously could they really run the countries

  On 07/05/2011 at 09:59, BULLDOUG said:


The brits will do NOTHING and just take it on the chin as their is no fight in todays generation like their was 26 years ago in the miners strike and later the poll tax riots.
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  On 07/05/2011 at 22:14, poacher3161 said:
  On 07/05/2011 at 09:59, BULLDOUG said:


The brits will do NOTHING and just take it on the chin as their is no fight in todays generation like their was 26 years ago in the miners strike and later the poll tax riots.


I'd better tell my mates in afghan that.


they should grow a pair of balls and go on strike :doh:

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  On 06/05/2011 at 21:54, cu beag said:

The police shut dowm Kelvingrove Park today to stop a celebrating :gunsmilie: Bin Ladin Dead Party,last week they broke up a Royal wedding party after some So called Celtic support started up F***** the Queen rants , :thumbdown::thumbdown: 40 Grand clean up bill coming someones way via Facebook


The fact it was illegal in the first place had nothing to do with it obviously....and your right there's an almighty clean up bill due to the mess left by the morons


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  On 07/05/2011 at 09:59, BULLDOUG said:




A demo celebrating the life of Bin Laden? Is the world going f*****g mad? :wallbash:


The Muslim extremists aren't the only problem. As far as i'm concerned, its more the fault of the liberals, lefties and wobblers in this country that give them the freedom to do it. There are too many of these limp wristed lefties around: Idiots who turn a blind eye to everything; who pat naughty kids on the back because they're misunderstood; who complain about human rights of those who relinquished them through their own despicable actions; who want to reduce crime yet want to reduce police powers at the same time, the sort of limp wristed liberals who couldn't organise a gangfuck in a knocking shop. This 'i dont care' brigade, is what you get in an affluent society like ours. In days gone by, folk were broke and didn't stand for any nonsense that might make their lives harder. Nowadays our lives are so easy (compared to most countires other than the West) that it doesn't matter what others do because it rarely affects our lives. The 'i dont care' brigade can just close their eyes, or close their door, or turn off their TV.


This sort of nonsense doesn't happen in other countries because the public get pissed and the police get punchy. Nought wrong with that. :thumbs: I bet the French won't put up with something like this. :icon_redface:


Well i hope to the terrorists have one of their demos in my town. I'll be there to confront them. :realmad:


Anyway, rant over. I'm off to pick up the missus from town. Night

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  On 07/05/2011 at 22:53, blan89 said:
  On 07/05/2011 at 22:14, poacher3161 said:
  On 07/05/2011 at 09:59, BULLDOUG said:


The brits will do NOTHING and just take it on the chin as their is no fight in todays generation like their was 26 years ago in the miners strike and later the poll tax riots.


I'd better tell my mates in afghan that.


they should grow a pair of balls and go on strike :doh:

Not talking about the armed forces i am talking about the genral population of the country.

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  On 06/05/2011 at 22:07, lanesra said:

I really think Gnasher is right in 1 sense ... BUT i would love to see them rounded up and locked up , charged with incitment to kill and given NO RIGHTS plus 10yrs jail including the female POST BOXES .... I Guarentee that would stop the scum thinkin they can waltz round preaching what they want , but sadly that will never happen as it would be classed as RACIST/ ANTI MUSLIM , AND WE CANT BE SEEN TO TAKE AWAY PEOPLES RIGHT OFF FREEDOM OFF SPEECH , IF IT IS BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM ... LITERALLY !


Unfortunately the only times that people speak out in the media about stopping immigration, deporting them and cutting benefits, they are unuversally classed as racist and told that if they do not keep quiet they will be arrested. Our freedom of speech=none, theirs, well they can say what they like, so quick, pass the tan boot polish!

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  On 07/05/2011 at 21:34, gnasher16 said:
  On 07/05/2011 at 14:29, squint said:

But what you'll find is the majority of the English are lazy...and thats were the problem lies.



Thats a bold statement....do you have any legitimate evidence to prove MOST ( the majority ) of English people are any more lazy than Yanks,Spicks,Chinks,Wogs....or god forbid......the Welsh !!


What a stupid thing to say.

What was stupid about it?

Please explain,as it's my opinion i don't see it as stupid...

Do you have any legitimate evidence that can disprove it?

When i see pissheads hanging around shopping centres,parks etc.The majority are white...just an observation.

And by lazy i partly ment,that these people would gladly shop in there local paki shop than travel a bit further to say a white corner shop.

Plus can you explain why all the local newsagents are owned by ethnics and there the ones who are open early in the morning(6.00am round here),

There used to be a white newsagenta few shops down,but because he didn't open till 7.30 am he missed out.


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  On 08/05/2011 at 11:03, squint said:
  On 07/05/2011 at 21:34, gnasher16 said:
  On 07/05/2011 at 14:29, squint said:

But what you'll find is the majority of the English are lazy...and thats were the problem lies.



Thats a bold statement....do you have any legitimate evidence to prove MOST ( the majority ) of English people are any more lazy than Yanks,Spicks,Chinks,Wogs....or god forbid......the Welsh !!


What a stupid thing to say.

What was stupid about it?

Please explain,as it's my opinion i don't see it as stupid...

Do you have any legitimate evidence that can disprove it?

When i see pissheads hanging around shopping centres,parks etc.The majority are white...just an observation.

And by lazy i partly ment,that these people would gladly shop in there local paki shop than travel a bit further to say a white corner shop.

Plus can you explain why all the local newsagents are owned by ethnics and there the ones who are open early in the morning(6.00am round here),

There used to be a white newsagenta few shops down,but because he didn't open till 7.30 am he missed out.



A man that tells it as it is notworthy.gif

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  On 08/05/2011 at 11:03, squint said:

What was stupid about it?

Please explain,as it's my opinion i don't see it as stupid...

Do you have any legitimate evidence that can disprove it?

When i see pissheads hanging around shopping centres,parks etc.The majority are white...just an observation.

And by lazy i partly ment,that these people would gladly shop in there local paki shop than travel a bit further to say a white corner shop.

Plus can you explain why all the local newsagents are owned by ethnics and there the ones who are open early in the morning(6.00am round here),

There used to be a white newsagenta few shops down,but because he didn't open till 7.30 am he missed out.




" What was stupid about it ? "


I,ll make it easy for you.......all welsh middle aged man are sheep shaggers.......fair assumption or stupid thing to say ?....if its a stupid thing to say please explain why.....then again,dont bother,some conversations are worth having and some are not.

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