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Totally f****n ignore them.....can you imagine the whole tribe of them standing there doing their bit with absolutely nobody paying a blind bit of notice.......that would piss them off more than any r

Absolutely,believe me when i was young i was pulling my hair out in frustration,getting into all sorts of shit....but it just dont work like that.....to some extent i understand the mentality of " bei

Stop voting labour and any other ethnic cuddling welcome to Britain party,   The BNP is too extreme and has no chance of getting in and let's face it seriously could they really run the countries

Totally f****n ignore them.....can you imagine the whole tribe of them standing there doing their bit with absolutely nobody paying a blind bit of notice.......that would piss them off more than any revenge backlash.....attention seeking pricks !

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im not a racist ,but things like this make my piss boil,i could have a real rant ,and on this day of all days ,these people have no respect ,if they hate britain ,our troops ,and our laws ,why are the here ?brittain dont need them why do the goverment let things like this happen ?im afraid the more i see things like this the more i want something to be done about even if it means supporting groups like the EDL or the BNP ,the goverment should man up and not tolerate such people .they really know how to take the piss ...

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The police shut dowm Kelvingrove Park today to stop a celebrating :gunsmilie: Bin Ladin Dead Party,last week they broke up a Royal wedding party after some So called Celtic support started up F***** the Queen rants , :thumbdown::thumbdown: 40 Grand clean up bill coming someones way via Facebook



kelvin grove an the whole west end is riddled wae the c**ts :thumbdown:

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I really think Gnasher is right in 1 sense ... BUT i would love to see them rounded up and locked up , charged with incitment to kill and given NO RIGHTS plus 10yrs jail including the female POST BOXES .... I Guarentee that would stop the scum thinkin they can waltz round preaching what they want , but sadly that will never happen as it would be classed as RACIST/ ANTI MUSLIM , AND WE CANT BE SEEN TO TAKE AWAY PEOPLES RIGHT OFF FREEDOM OFF SPEECH , IF IT IS BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM ... LITERALLY !

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Arrest them and detain them under the Anti Terrorism act........... censored.gif



spot on :thumbs: , then send back to pakistan , so they can be killed like there leader was :yes:

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