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ferrets vulva bleeding

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Is the bleeding coming from inside her or is it the external swelling thats bleeding


if the bleedings internal then get her to a vets the only time i have experienced this is with a jill with pyometra ( womb infection which will need treatment asap )

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no they were seperated the day after they were put together.. ya it looks internal as she isnt swollen anymore... its not pumping blood or anything but i can see it on her legs every morning if ou get me.. was thinking she may have lost them or something along those lines

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no they were seperated the day after they were put together.. ya it looks internal as she isnt swollen anymore... its not pumping blood or anything but i can see it on her legs every morning if ou get me.. was thinking she may have lost them or something along those lines


I would still try & get her to a vets mate :thumbs:

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no they were seperated the day after they were put together.. ya it looks internal as she isnt swollen anymore... its not pumping blood or anything but i can see it on her legs every morning if ou get me.. was thinking she may have lost them or something along those lines


I would still try & get her to a vets mate :thumbs:



will do first thing monday morning cheers kay :thumbs:

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This certainly seems like a reproductive problem. It seems that your jill may still be in season. Abnormal bleeding may be indicative of Aplastic Anemia. I'd say she would be fine to go to the vets on Monday morning for that. Vet may blood sample her for haematology and possibly biochemistry results, if necessary. Best not to put her back to a hob before vets checked her out.


Pyometra may be a possibility. Pyometra can be 'open' or 'closed', with closed being the more severe. Open Pyometra has a most common symptom of a blood/pus discharge. As your jill is showing a blood discharge (is there any pus?), the Pyometra would be 'open'. This is easier to treat. If your jill has any sign of pus in the discharge, she may well be dead by monday morning.


Best of luck.

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