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  • 2 weeks later...

bowman, Laporte and Promatic i would recommend,Laporte and Promatic automatic trap,you will need a power supply ect 12v battery or can be 230v they can come with different cappacity ( hold up to 4 or 5 boxes of clays , down to a single stack holding about 150 clays) the bowman comes hand trap ( also can get a automatic bowmans) alot of other trap on the market but can't go wrong with the bowman throw good long clay and very portable and cheap, what ever you decide enjoy ,

atb sounder

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my opinion,

promatic are the best eqasy to look after, best prices on the market, hardly any no birds form the big multi carosul down to the small, the big soper sporters will hold 400, but arer big and unweildy best are ranger holding 300 they are the best for the money in my opnion, single stackers are good and offer the best for home use with some and most of the trap manafacturers holding 50 and 75 but some companies offer extensions too 100,promatic traps arent really fussy about pickups neither, promatic all the way lol.

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