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Fen hares.

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well dont just talk about it sort it i told you before,tell you what,tracyg has just had the special needs school playground frame burnt to a cinder,come here run yoour fn pony with ours our way loose

Lol........ That's you answered then baw, now walk away!!!

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the big land ok for the dogs that need it to set there game up but to be far who wants to get nick walking back to the car the land l walk the hares get in tip top sharp and you want a real good dog to take hares in jan there are own le small fields and there are toppers l hav run all over the fen land boston.lincoln and the best hare up there is the grimsby hare and hes a good hare in jan because there get run all the time l kill 4 in boston. went a week later in grimsby and kill 0 and that dog was shit on my land as well so you get good hares if there get run all the time :thumbs:

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the big land ok for the dogs that need it to set there game up but to be far who wants to get nick walking back to the car the land l walk the hares get in tip top sharp and you want a real good dog to take hares in jan there are own le small fields and there are toppers l hav run all over the fen land boston.lincoln and the best hare up there is the grimsby hare and hes a good hare in jan because there get run all the time l kill 4 in boston. went a week later in grimsby and kill 0 and that dog was shit on my land as well so you get good hares if there get run all the time :thumbs:

My dogs catch on any land it just happens this land is outside my door Iv run just about every where Iv got land in Grantham Boston Spalding Billingborough and in my humble opinion having been to Grimsby they are no better or worse the catch rate for a good dog remains pretty stable I wont get nicked I take a gun or bird with me as I have permission and my intention is to flush it just so happens some times I,m in the wrong place and the flush turns to a course. My dog has taken 6 and 7s on all land big and small it makes no difference to him,At the end of it all my dogs make me happy and unlike yours he rarely fails .ATB Fieldsman.

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well if your dog can do that many you got a very good dog in jan but ill tell u what ill do with you, ive got a £1000 to say your dog wouldnt kill 2 out of 3 on the land i run come jan, but if you think you can bring your dog and your money down and we`ll go for a run :thumbs:

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