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ideas please

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right guys i got a big 13ft zink sheet shed i use half of it for my bull x but am thinking of putting a ferret court in there ? what would you say i could do to get light inside for the ferrets ? as i dont want to go cutting too many holes to put light in the shed.

atb mrmen16

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what i was thinking is putting the clear roofing over the court ? as dont want to advertise the dogs side ?



Yes mate, that's what i was thinking :thumbs: I'd still put a mesh under the clear roofing, better be safe than sorry. What i'd do is wire off one end, and use that as a sleeping area / indoor court, but i would also maybe put a wee mesh run outside and have a pop hole between inside and outside i could shut off. Be nice in the summer for them, and handy to shut them off in there when cleaning out the inside. Also check how hot / cold the shed gets. :thumbs:

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yes the courts going be 5ft - 6ft so there be mesh above the court :) aint got the space on side of shed to add a run outside :/ plus when im cleaning i put them on a longline and let them run around the garden :) itsstays about 16 - 18 degrees in winter as run a heater in cold weather.

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i built a garage out of steel box profile (cheers asda :whistling: ) its an oven in summer and a fridge in winter pity u aint got the room for a run outside maybe u can leave the door open and make a mesh frame to fit when the ferrets are inside

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I would definately be looking for a way of cooling the thing down in the summer. Its made out of metel, with the sun beating down on it the ferrets will bake in no time. Yes light important but temperature is too. As has been said, you could cut the roof off and use mesh which would help with airflow. Plastic sheeting a few inches above the mesh would keep it rainproof and create light. I would also cut a few windows in the sides and mesh them over too. Once you have done this go and stand in it for an hour in the heat of the day and see how comfy it is and make more windows if you think its needed. It could even be worth trying to find a second hand air conditioning unit.


In the winter just give them plenty of bedding and they will be ok keeping warm.

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thanks for the advice guys, will have a think see what i can do with the space i got might just put one of the sheet on hinges and put a mesh sheet on the inside so winter can be closed but summer open ideas? :) you guys got any pictures of what you have done?

Edited by mrmen16
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