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I am selling a small gun cleaning kit probablie better for rifle users then shotguns users.




3 Solid brass rods for rifles/pistols

1 handle for all rod sizes

5 brass wire brushes that fir the following guns, 12 gauge 20/28 gauge 30cal 270/280 cal and .22 cal

4 mops to fir 12 gauge , 20/28 gauge 410 gauge 357/.38 cal and 9mm

2 solid brass adaptors for shotguns mops/brushes and rifle pistol mops and brushes.

Cleaning patches.


All this for just £12



I also have a small pair of green barbour gaiters these were worn a few times by me when i was youger ideal for a women with thin calfes or a child no rips but have been worn will take £8 - £10 pounds :D




A leather bound gun sling took this off my old air rifle still in perfect shape will also throw in 25 milbro caledonian paper targets for £12


and finally a green pair of neoprene gloves with velcro on the fingers to hold back the flap over the index and thumb one is broke ideal for wearing when its cold and wet and shooting. will take £5

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