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new seasons

Guest big fish hunter

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Guest big fish hunter

hi i have got my plan sorted for this seasons fishing. i intend on fishing for the carp in the river medway this spring and summer no commercial water on my list this year just wild carp. friend of mine had a couple of carp off the top on bread that were just under the 30lb mark. still got my piking head on though had a phone call yesterday to go and photograph a pike that weighed 26 lb :icon_eek: going to fish this secert location on sunday on the live baits and sink and draw


what have people got in mind for the coming season?

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hi i have got my plan sorted for this seasons fishing. i intend on fishing for the carp in the river medway this spring and summer no commercial water on my list this year just wild carp. friend of mine had a couple of carp off the top on bread that were just under the 30lb mark. still got my piking head on though had a phone call yesterday to go and photograph a pike that weighed 26 lb :icon_eek: going to fish this secert location on sunday on the live baits and sink and draw


what have people got in mind for the coming season?



what part of the medway do you fish mate??

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Guest big fish hunter
what part of the medway do you fish mate??


hi that would be telling :ph34r: . i would be willing to tell where it is but i have done it before with the pike and this year my pike spots have been done so learnt my lesson the hard way


sorry mate if you are local to the river you have only got to walk some of it and have a chat with the match boys


shoosh secret squirrel



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Guest big fish hunter

hi hope you have a good time fishing for some good game fish and the cats. i would like to go to the ebro but i cant get any one to go with me for a week carp and cat fishing, i have been to france fishing 3 times in the last 2 years allways had a good time. i will post a pic of my biggest mirror that i had in france.

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Roll on April, plan to get some early sea trout fishing done, and hopefull some wild brownies on the smaller rivers. I'm off to Irelad in May, so will challenge any spare time during the rest of May to the family. Maybe some sea trouting all nighters in June if time allows. Then praying for some summer spates to see some grilse. Sea fishing trip in Scotland in August, then depending on weather particularly rain will either try for salmon or upland browns in September.

Salmon only in early October.



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Guest big fish hunter

hi hope you have some good result this season and i would like to see the pics of some of the sea trout i have never fished for sea trout. i have done a bit of fly fishing for just trout have had a 8lb rainbow trout last year. have been running the trout fishery for a bit of time this month so dont like to go and show the paying customers up !!! :whistle: did you have any good fish last year and have you got any pics that you can show us :):)



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