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few questions about first dog

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al [bANNED TEXT] everyone


i have been into shooting for years and i have also had terriers in the past but i fancy getting a running dog to take with me on shooting trips for the quary that is out of range of my air rifle


here are my Qs


what is a nice easy breed to start with


how easy are they to train


how to train


dog or bitch


should i get an dog that is abit older or should i get a pup


should i get a dog that is crossed with a bull as i have a staffy and it is stupid



i know it is alot of questions but once i get a dog i dont like to rehome so want to make the right choice


cheers mark

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hi mark and welcome well its good to see you havnt rushed into it a bought one for the sake of it there is lots of people on here who will be happy to help


what is a nice easy breed to start with well that depends on what your wanting to work but idealy something probs with collie for brains collie x grey or beddy x whippet or something along those lines all crosses are good at what they do,


how easy are they to train as long as you dont rush things ball and shout and the dog getts to see plenty it can be how ever easy you want it to be dont run a pup to early or sicken the dog but do give it a chance there are like every thing slow starters


dog or bitch that to me depends on you if you want a bitch in season or to breed for me i keep bitches but dogs are just as good


should i get an dog that is abit older or should i get a pup well with a pup you can train it to do what you want but you do have to wait abit were as an older dog if you gett the right one might be were you want ie cating rabbits retriving to hand ext


hope this helps you abit good look with your desicion mick

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hi mark and welcome well its good to see you havnt rushed into it a bought one for the sake of it there is lots of people on here who will be happy to help


what is a nice easy breed to start with well that depends on what your wanting to work but idealy something probs with collie for brains collie x grey or beddy x whippet or something along those lines all crosses are good at what they do,


how easy are they to train as long as you dont rush things ball and shout and the dog getts to see plenty it can be how ever easy you want it to be dont run a pup to early or sicken the dog but do give it a chance there are like every thing slow starters


dog or bitch that to me depends on you if you want a bitch in season or to breed for me i keep bitches but dogs are just as good


should i get an dog that is abit older or should i get a pup well with a pup you can train it to do what you want but you do have to wait abit were as an older dog if you gett the right one might be were you want ie cating rabbits retriving to hand ext im no expert mate and many people have diffrent views on what makes the best dogs what you got to consider is the game you want to catch the size of the dog you want and type of ground you got to run on small field or lot of rough ground i would say when i first started i went to david hancocks place told him what i wanted and was given sound advice and obtained a 5/8 3/8 collie cross but the thing is what takes my fancy isnt everyone cup of tea dog or bitch in my opinion dont matter thats the persons choice seek advice of a good lurcherman in your area who most likely be glad to help and take ya time training dog ie if its a pup many agood dog spoilt by rushing in and rember old saying a fool and is money easy parted :thumbs::thumbs: coney clucky :):)


hope this helps you abit good look with your desicion mick

Edited by coney clucky
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cheers for the help


i have just been reading that saluki have recall isues which realy puts me off i want a smallish lurcher aswell

try a collie greyhound first cross got the brains learn quick or beddy x grey whippet grey these are generaly of small to medium size and for the most very bidable mate but like most breds you get your planks saluki cross not all num just some take lot to train sight hounds got chasing first everythink else second in my view and so as not to upset the saluki men thats just my view mate to keen on here to jump on ya comments mate :notworthy::notworthy:

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