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deerhound crosses

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ye seem hard to please mush

or you could say your easily pleased. :haha::haha:



You are a knocker Mush and I bet you arent out of your teens, sometimes it's better just to keep your mouth shut if you haven't got anything interesting to say than to go on and on looking more like a complete **** with evrything you post.

ill second that nightwalker just another little wind up merchant probably never seen a lurcher work,he,ll be one of these thats read all the books. :haha: :wacko:

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24" dogs arent deer/greys are they?,

you breed them down( Deerhound xGrey) in size by puting more grey est in.

I agree, that saluki crosses do make better hare dogs, its as plain as the nose on your face, but take one of each on to the heather moors running the white ones and see what happens,
The thing is there arnt that many heather moors in the Uk that most go on. but I will see soon not that there will be any deerhound x's there.
it hounds for grounds then isnt it?
People keep the 30" "lumps" cos they like them [ myself included} the dog i have has the best temperament of any cross i,ve had, he is a pleasure to own, i,m slowly entering him, and he is 18 -19 month old,

what makes me :sick: is people trying to make out a cross can do this or that when they cant, that's why the dog pounds have so many lurchers in them. Deerhound owners are the worst they seem to think they have to justify why they own such a dog by trying to convince every one their as good if not better than a smaller x's . And its nice to here from an honest deerhound owner,dont know about your comment show me a more versatile cross? How is a deerhound x's more versatile i would say its more like a whippet x's theres only so much it can do well.

Werent deerhounds traditionally used to hold and pin wounded red deer, and always used in pairs?
Never seen it done, what are red 300-400+ lbs and can be up to 50 + inches, yes i should think you would need two or more Deerhounds to pull a big one down. but i wouldn't be surprised if it still didn't run off with your dogs, Should think deerhounds came before the gun or even the bow.


How can you breed a dog down to 24" by putting more greyhound in? its physically impossible, as greyhounds are virtually the same as a deerhound, size wise.What i mean by a more versatile cross, is there is very little a deerhound cross cannot do, from rabbiting, to any form of foxing, and probarbly the only cross capable of any british deer, due to its size. What other cross can do all these jobs?I,m not suggesting for one minute, they are the perfect all rounder, far from it, but i would say, with the right training, they are physically, and mentally able to do any job required.One thing i will say, there isnt a more handsome cross :D but i am biased :D

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How can you breed a dog down to 24" by putting more greyhound in? its physically impossible, as greyhounds are virtually the same as a deerhound, size wise.
I've seen greyhounds smaller and had two of about 24.and my mate bred three 24- 25 inch 3/4 G 1/4 D breds from a small G and a 29 inch DxG they dont all turn out small but a lot do.
One thing i will say, there isnt a more handsome cross :D but i am biased :D
you could be right about that. :D
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Guest scotch deerhound

what would you know about it you clearly have no experience with deerhounds or pure salukis,you honestly think that any dog below maturity could tackle a red deer as you so wrongly state was there single quarry , they were used on hare as salukis are to educate them on the ways of hunting and fox as many accounts indicate, physical maturity is one thing but deerhounds and other large dogs require more time mentally to mature and this is great as it keeps the impatient likes of you away from the splender of the working deerhound ,now forget this and enjoy working whatever breed you want just dont bad mouth my breed

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Kane change the fukin record ...this is the reason im never on this site any more cause it is full of fukin know it alls these days ...Im not the only one who is distancing there selfs from the site these days because of what it has become.... you should spend more time saying positive things about your own type of running dog than putting down other peoples crosses ....you say you want a cross that is versatile enough to work with terriers so do deerhound crosses not fit the bill?...I can have 2 deerhound crosses in the back of my truck with 4 terriers without any problems the 2 dogs we have to split up are my bully russel & my mates bully patt .....you say it would be better having a smaller discrete dog your bull cross is not what you would call discrete although as ive told you before it is a crakin looking animal you have .... I work a 3/4 deer/grey & my mate works 1/2 cross these 2 dogs are probably killing more game day & night on some difficult ground than most in the country ...these 2 dogs have ran with all type of crosses & ive seen nothing to match them yet especailly on the big stuff ......all crosses have there faults or are unsuitable for some peoples type of hunting but to say that a certain cross is no good at all is just arogant & going to wind people up

:good: Good call fella,make you right on your comments about crosses cant comment about people dont know em im not the best one to judge but certainly the big crosses intrest me ive got a salukixgrey 1st

26 inches very biddable unusuall for this cross but believe me she is smart!

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what would you know about it you clearly have no experience with deerhounds or pure salukis,you honestly think that any dog below maturity could tackle a red deer as you so wrongly state was there single quarry , they were used on hare as salukis are to educate them on the ways of hunting and fox as many accounts indicate, physical maturity is one thing but deerhounds and other large dogs require more time mentally to mature and this is great as it keeps the impatient likes of you away from the splender of the working deerhound ,now forget this and enjoy working whatever breed you want just dont bad mouth my breed

Who are you talking to? Me ? You say the KC destroyed the working Deerhound and that you have working bred deerhounds, if its Australia your from would you like to tell me what working bred salukis are over there? if when you say ( conditioned salukis on varying grounds) are they show bred salukis? then what do you expect when you say the KC have destroyed the deerhound? I can only think that your not from the UK or you would no better what a saluki or x's bred can do. So where are you from scotch deerhound ? are you from Australia ?

You say ( they were used on hare as salukis are to educate them on the ways of hunting and fox as many accounts indicate) where can we read about these accounts you talk about?

if its me you was talking about when you say (what would you know about it you clearly have no experience with deerhounds or pure salukis,) which made me :haha: ,I clearly don't need to worry about your opinion when you say a deerhound can out course a saluki, I mean what do you no you clearly have no experience with working salukis or their x's. :p





:good: Good call fella,make you right on your comments about crosses cant comment about people dont know em im not the best one to judge but certainly the big crosses intrest me ive got a salukixgrey 1st

26 inches very biddable unusuall for this cross but believe me she is smart!

That's not big, how heavy is it ?
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This is to any one. If deerhounds and there x's are so good, and you live in good hare coursing country to get them running well, get them out and match them and show us how good they are. if you cant then we all know why.

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A guy asks a simple question; " Deerhound crosses, anyone still use them?", and as usual it turns into a "this X is crap, this X is great, my X is better than yours" nonsense.To

answer the question, there are some guys in Scotland, who are on this site, who are not getting involved in the arguments, but must be laughing their socks off as they own 1st and 2nd X deer/greys that are awsome on hares. It's a pointless argument, 'cause you get the X you think is best for you; anything from a beddy/whippet to a deer/grey.


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what would you know about it you clearly have no experience with deerhounds or pure salukis,you honestly think that any dog below maturity could tackle a red deer as you so wrongly state was there single quarry , they were used on hare as salukis are to educate them on the ways of hunting and fox as many accounts indicate, physical maturity is one thing but deerhounds and other large dogs require more time mentally to mature and this is great as it keeps the impatient likes of you away from the splender of the working deerhound ,now forget this and enjoy working whatever breed you want just dont bad mouth my breed

Who are you talking to? Me ? You say the KC destroyed the working Deerhound and that you have working bred deerhounds, if its Australia your from would you like to tell me what working bred salukis are over there? if when you say ( conditioned salukis on varying grounds) are they show bred salukis? then what do you expect when you say the KC have destroyed the deerhound? I can only think that your not from the UK or you would no better what a saluki or x's bred can do. So where are you from scotch deerhound ? are you from Australia ?

You say ( they were used on hare as salukis are to educate them on the ways of hunting and fox as many accounts indicate) where can we read about these accounts you talk about?

if its me you was talking about when you say (what would you know about it you clearly have no experience with deerhounds or pure salukis,) which made me :haha: ,I clearly don't need to worry about your opinion when you say a deerhound can out course a saluki, I mean what do you no you clearly have no experience with working salukis or their x's. :p





:good: Good call fella,make you right on your comments about crosses cant comment about people dont know em im not the best one to judge but certainly the big crosses intrest me ive got a salukixgrey 1st

26 inches very biddable unusuall for this cross but believe me she is smart!

That's not big, how heavy is it ?


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A guy asks a simple question; " Deerhound crosses, anyone still use them?", and as usual it turns into a "this X is crap, this X is great, my X is better than yours" nonsense.To

answer the question, there are some guys in Scotland, who are on this site, who are not getting involved in the arguments, but must be laughing their socks off as they own 1st and 2nd X deer/greys that are awsome on hares. It's a pointless argument, 'cause you get the X you think is best for you; anything from a beddy/whippet to a deer/grey.



Exactly mate, put a saluki x up against a deer x on the pennines or scotland , and the deer x will make it look silly.Take the same two dogs to the fens, and it will be the exact opposite, and thats not rocket science is it?Why the f**k are we arguing? i,ve got a deer /grey, i would have a saluki/grey tomorrow, not cos the deer/grey is lacking anything, but because i love all sighthounds, and time money and space permitting, i would have them all.Borzoi.s ....ooooh i,d cut my left knacker off to own one.Seriously.It doesnt matter what the dog is, just enjoy, life isnt a trial run folks.

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A guy asks a simple question; " Deerhound crosses, anyone still use them?", and as usual it turns into a "this X is crap, this X is great, my X is better than yours" nonsense.To

answer the question, there are some guys in Scotland, who are on this site, who are not getting involved in the arguments, but must be laughing their socks off as they own 1st and 2nd X deer/greys that are awsome on hares. It's a pointless argument, 'cause you get the X you think is best for you; anything from a beddy/whippet to a deer/grey.


Did I say deerhounds are crap? I said they were breed for deer and not rabbit and hares doesn't mean they cant catch them just means 99% of them aren't going to be the best at R,H. salukis weren't bred for rabbit and aren't the best at it but they will catch them, they have the wrong running style for them. cross one with a greyhound and its a different matter as are 3/4 greyhound 1/4 deerhounds . As you say It's a pointless argument, as they say horses for courses.

Edited by mush
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